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Aslan Vlodovic

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Posts posted by Aslan Vlodovic

  1. Good luck on the "processing."

    My account was  approved with LL just at they switched over ... then again with Tilia and approved about 9 months ago ...and now have to do again, Submitted it three days ago and I still...waiting...

    At the same time I was fully approved - electronically -for a new mortgage inside 15 minutes. 

    I understand verification but really is a coherent and efficient system too much to ask for?

  2. I tire of whiny people, like most in this thread, who want more for little contribution to SL the creativity, the variety, and yes the economy.

    Collapse- no, but hurt those vested in it and reduce the resident contributions - yes.  Not just talking about those with land - what of house builders, and skyboxes, for example now with less populace able to buy due to LL covenants. I am sure there are other businesses negatively impact but its 2 am here.

    Economically why would LL do it then? Bottom line - money. It's clear that for existing residents with water side land , and businesses reliant upon people owning their own lands to express their creativity that having LL as a competitor and reducing that pool of customers isn't good for the economics of the residents but obviously good for LL to gain more premium accounts and increase their bottom line.

    IMHO,  keep LL homes as a starting point for residents, as a nest, but not so nice that they don't want to push people out to explore and live in the mysteries of the wild weird world of SL rather than coddling them as stepford wives in Wrinkle in Time suburbs. 


  3. Well said. Mix n match is the way to go!

    Which is "best" depends upon you and what you want the clothing to do - move or not move for example.

    Mesh and prim have their own strengths and weaknesses. As with any clothing (in rl or sl) how it fits on you will be different on how it fits on others,.


    As for adverts- well I have found over the years prim, mesh, sculpty, layey  and skins ads are often photoshopped to look unbelieveable fantastic. And the sad thing is we believe that unbelievablity. Take all ads images with a grain of salt..



  4. In real life and secondlife 99.9999% of business decisions come down to money.

    Real money.

    So why aren't LL doing what's suggested = money.

    Ask yourself - does LL want to take on the extra adminsitrative cost of selling prims to individuals? Maintaining them? restructuring sims to redstribute prims?

    =>I think no they don;t want to increase their service costs.

    Is it fair to private land owners who rent land at specific tier levels if LL can just pop in and give an individual extra prims whereas the private land owner may be kicked into a higher tier(e.g., say adding prims from a 512 to be a 520 sqm ) almost doubling the previous amount of tier?

    =>I think it wouldn't be fair and there would be a reduction in private land being rented which in turn would cost LL greater money,than they would gain inchanging their existing model.

    Bototm line I am sure LL have considered it and may


  5. Firstly, don't think od SL as a "game" , rathe rthink of it as a visual and real-time interactive FaceBook.

    Just ask yourself why you are here.and go find it! From my experience you can find anything here and someone wanting to explore the same thing.

    Flying? Sailing? Fishing? Fighting? Fantasy?It really is unlimited.

    Lets us know what you are looking for and anyone ehere will be happy tos hare what they have found aand places you can go to explore that. One thing is for sure- SLhas it.


  6. With this sailing beach Linden ocean rental -

    1. You have direct access to real Linden waters for sailing/flying

    2. No fake sim surround that interferes with your sits

    3. Three land owners with low lag builds

    Luxury and unparalleled sunset views across real useable water to Lindens own Mole Mountain. SImply spectactular sunsets.

    3200 sqm 800 prims and bonus prims are available. THis newly available land will not last long..

    Visit me at: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Seongsil/90/163/22

    Contact: Aslan Vlodovic in-world or drop a notecard.


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