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Posts posted by jacquezlaveau

  1. Perrie Juran wrote:

    jacquezlaveau wrote:

    Hi im new to sl. I was trying to build at a sandbox and was attacked by several objects spewing dialog spam all over my screen. I left and went to the mainland and was attacked by the same objects. This type of griefing is becoming a big problem with new players playing the game. I have restarted my viewer and my computer but when I log in I continue to get spammed and thrown all around the sim.

    At one point the griefer took control of my avatar when I tried to sit on one of the boxes they rezzed. I would include a picture but the boxes had very graphic images on them. Is anyone else having this problem. If so how do I get ried of the griefer spam and objects?

    You said you 'left' and went to 'mainland' which i am going to assume means you teleported.

    There is only one way an object like this could follow you the way you describe and that is if you accepted (or took) and wore one of the greifing objects.

    Or if you were using an illegal viewer.

    Also, I see this account you are posting with was born today?  So you are for some reason hiding the account you really use. Else you would have no way of being able to state "this is becoming a big problem, etc." 



    If you are not going to provide help please keep your subpar detective skills to yourself. I created a new account because the account I had was not useable like I stated in my post " I have restarted my viewer and my computer but when I log in I continue to get spammed and thrown all around the sim." So this was the only way I could get rid of the problem. My other account was only 3 days old I and I only had a couple of freebies. So what is your point? A new person should wait until they have an old account to come here and ask for help? 


    Anyway for anyone else having this problem I found if you uninstall the viewer and re install it the problem is solved.

  2. Hi im new to sl. I was trying to build at a sandbox and was attacked by several objects spewing dialog spam all over my screen. I left and went to the mainland and was attacked by the same objects. This type of griefing is becoming a big problem with new players playing the game. I have restarted my viewer and my computer but when I log in I continue to get spammed and thrown all around the sim.

    At one point the griefer took control of my avatar when I tried to sit on one of the boxes they rezzed. I would include a picture but the boxes had very graphic images on them. Is anyone else having this problem. If so how do I get ried of the griefer spam and objects?

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