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Mysterious Mystiere

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Posts posted by Mysterious Mystiere

  1. Thanks for all the replies. LL did not advise me of the action they took, I've checked spam and other mail folders. It looks like I can only sell them one at a time, or as was suggested, alter the listings enough that they are more unique.

  2. I logged into my store this morning to find many of my listings deleted. The reason cited:

    " Removed under our Marketplace Listing Guidelines for Spam or Disallowed Listing Practices-Item Spam (multiple listings for the exact same item).  "

    I can understand that this can be resolved my selling multiple items in a single listing, however that isn't possible with items that must be offered via Magic Box. I sell what's left of my Wyrmwood faery eggs, they are no-copy to me and so must be sold via Magic Box. I cannot sell them under a single listing.

    Linden Lab offered no guidance, in fact didn't even advise me of the violatoin either in advance to all me to take necessary action, nor after. But why Linden Lab chose to not advise me is rather irrelevant.

    So is there any advice on how I may sell more than one of the same no-copy item via Magic Box? I would appreciate any input. Thanks much.


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