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Crash Leclerc

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Posts posted by Crash Leclerc

  1.    There is a really grey area in banking policy about stock exchange markets in SL. Most of those markets were gone in 2007 when the banking policy has been published first, but there is one who could (for some reason)go around Banking Policy simply because they have clasified themselvs as (and i quote from their logo) : ,,The #1 Stock Market Simulation Game In SL``( i wont give the name of the company because i don`t want to advertise for them here).

      Based on my personal observations about the stock exchange market in question they have all atributes to qualify under the banking policy but as i said for some reason they have been ignored and they could operate without troubles since they qualified themselv as a simulation game. Recently there are 22.000 traders on their website and they have listed 50 companies who are operating in SL.Stock exchange is made in SL curency L$ and companies listed are paying dividents to share holders pretty regular. There is always rumours dramas around this becuase there is always suspicions about how things are handled in such market.
      Finally here is my question : The new Gaming Policy is going to catch up with Banking Policy and close down this particular business or they will continue to be clasified as SIMULATION GAME and not be touched by the Skill Gaming Policy either?
       Thank you and i hope will get an answer as less evasive as possible !

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