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Posts posted by stoplight

  1. Oof okay. I hate coming on here to ask more questions, but I'm absolutely stumped. Hopefully one of you guys might have an idea on what's going on... 😭

    I've spent a whole lot of time making a big dragon model over several months now, and I'm finally at the phase of retopoing it because it has an insanely high polycount from detail sculpting (for, y'know, normals and textures and whatnot); and while I'm working on that, I'm realizing I have little experience with rigging and I absolutely dread it. So I pulled up some models to practice on, so when it's finally time to rig the dragon itself, I won't be pulling my hair out trying to rig this thing I've spent so long on.

    Instead, I'm pulling my hair out now, lol. I've made things with nonhumanoid bodyshapes before that worked in the past a long time ago (including a tentacled floating eye thing); but now, inexplicably, weighting is just not working. The main default skeleton weights itself automatically just fine; but anything that's a bento bone (ie, tail, hind legs, wings, ect) is treated as if it's not there. I've also attempted to manually weight the bones in the tail; and it ends up acting very strange and crumpling the entire mesh despite there not being any weighting in the crumpled spots. I have no idea what's going on.

    So far I've:
    - made sure rotation/scale/location has been applied for the mesh and the skeleton
    - toggled visibility on and off for pretty much every possible bone group and tried autoweighting with different sets
    - got rid of the first skeleton I edited and edited a second one with the same issues
    - toggled deforms in the sidebar menu and tried both ways
    - tried weighting both with bind pose and with joints
    - rotated the model to a different direction (with rot applied)
    - closed all holes in the mesh
    - checked version compatability with blender and reinstalled both avastar and blender
    - updated(?) the rig via avastar
    - probably other things I'm forgetting right now

    I've been wrestling with this for several days now, and looking online for other people's advice, and I'm kinda at my wits end now. It's probably something little and obvious that I'm somehow missing, but I sure don't know what it is. If anyone has thoughts on how to troubleshoot this, I'm all ears. Thanks guys.

  2. Okay, well. I somehow managed to mess up big time and not realize it until it was exactly time to upload my model. 😔

    The simple and short of it is, I somehow ended up weighting everything to the animation rig, rather than the deforming rig; and I've already gone and perfected everything for animations and even made a test animation for it as well. I only noticed when I tried uploading and firestorm's importer started yelling at me about using the wrong bones. It's for a rigged mesh attachment for a dragon avatar, so it's even more troublesome to fix up... 😥

    So I guess my big question is, is there any way to duplicate the weights I've done on the animation bones to the deformation bones? Or do I have to start all over with re-rigging the thing? Every time I looked up how to do so online has either given me information on how to weight mirror bones (not what I need), or to just copy the bones I have weighted and rename them (which only did some really wacky stuff to the rigging, or didn't work at all)... is there some trick I'm missing? 😥

  3. Man, first up I'm gonna put in a disclaimer: I'm no scripter. I understand some of the basic concepts, and I usually can grasp what functions do what, but past that my experience is minimal.
    I'm trying to follow a tutorial on how to make a simple vehicle script, and copy pasted what it all says to do for the base of it; but now I'm getting syntax errors all over. I've fixed a few as it's mentioned them down the list while saving, but... for some reason it keeps saying there's an error with the "Run_Time_Permissions" line (at 86). I've looked up how that particular event works, and the related bits of code; and I can't figure out what's wrong with it! It's very frustrating... <:^(
    I think it's a very old script from an old tutorial book, so maybe there's something funky about that too. I had to hand copy and paste every row from the book since it wouldnt copy the formatting at all (which is probably why it looks... sloppy...)

    If someone could help look over what's up with the script, it'd be extremely helpful... Thank you so much 🙇‍♂️


  4. Egh... I hate having to come on here to ask about this, but im having no luck finding how to sort this thing out. Hopefully someone can give me some guidance.

    Alright, first things first, I made some hair in Blender. It's a mesh, and I've got what I made imported into SL. I basicly made long chunky bits, and laid them out into hair-like shapes.

    At first, I tried just doing a solid texture. Like so:


    Looks gross and chunky, yeah.

    So then I tried like... making wispies with the UV layout.

    Better looking at the tips, but now there's some overlapping weirdness. How do I get rid of that? Do I need to redo the mesh, or the textures? Or am I just doing some settings wrong?

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