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Posts posted by noureddine2

  1. last night i got a message in public chat asking me to detach my onduty **bleep**, i did delete it and removed it from my inventory, but am still getting the same message flashing in my screen every second. what to do ? its annoying !

    i hope someone can help me here


    NB: ive read some negative reviews on ONDUTY products, but i never used it in a bad way, i dont even have the knowledge for that !

     ------------------------------------------ ty girls, but ive double checked what am wearing, no part of the onduty **bleep** is still attached to me. And am 100% sure i did not drop it , i removed the Onduty **bleep** and the onduty HUD to the trash then i emptied the trash.

    is there any other suggestions ? 

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