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Lucifer Densmith

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Posts posted by Lucifer Densmith

  1. I Would like as soon as possible the confirmation that the AUTOMATED MIGRATION will be smooth and without any EXTRA efforts from our side. If the AUTOMATED migration is really totally a 100% conversion and an automatic without any effort i agree to this project at 2000%. Thanks you per advance.


    I would like to add something VERY important:


    -> Inworld Meetings with Lindens, and inworld communication with them in past (before 2011... i was using to talk to the main LL managers inworld, was mentionning mostly problems (of trust and safety mainly) ) showed long ago that things CAN change and fast.


    This actual meeting could be A start for bringing back this communication between Linden and the USERS.

    This is ESSENTIAL, cause too many topics been IGNORED by LL (sorry to tell that, but its the sad truth and my intentions are only to make second life better AND to bring back those who left (companies, official politics, orgs, investors, very known artists, and of course TONS of users .., there are still a lot of people in SL thats a fact , but ofc less that the good old era where SL was dominating the Net, simple as that).


    Linden LAb now must face the past 5 years changes and also the Will of the Users.

    SO Many 'explosive' topics could bring back as meeting topics between LL and users, and for sure (iam talking to LL marketing team here...) this would be GREAT to have big discutions on them.

    Few exemples:

    - The bringing Back of the Welcome Sims: essential cause ALL the non-english-talkers mostly left SL (lot of asian inworld communities left for exemple: coreans, japanese..). Welcoming the New Users is essential, AND doing it throught country (language) themed lands as before is something ESSENTIAL: People that dont know english will find a home and you will gain new users.

    - JIRAs been ignored so much. Best exemple been the one concerning display names/ lastnames. A solution ALWAYS been to do an HYBRID system: possibility for users to create an account WIthout lastname (resident per default) AND possibility to chose a lastname (for the fun reason, for 'family one's' , etc... Linden should considerate the fact that bringing an hybrid system displayName/ LASTNAMES/NO LASTNAME, with new lastnames possibility will be a news that will make EVERYONE very excited. Keep in mind that the main problem of the 1000% display names system been the "Charmap" impossible to find who is who in giant friend lists of hundreds people that changing names each 15 days.. - I can continue the list, my number of Clever topics of discution is VERY long. If only i would be sure about beeing read... :(

  2. Sunday 8th March at Club Industry 12 - 2pm SLT, with DJ Sky Broome and her host Shadly Druart, comes an exciting new event... ELECTROSWING NIGHT!! Sky will be playing non-stop electro swing tunage, plus we'll have dances to fit the theme! With themed contest and lindens up for grabs... for best in 30s, 40s, 50s retro!! \o/







    Established in 2006. We are looking for serious and motivated DJs/Host/dancers, photographers, video makers. ONLY experienced DJs or rl DJs, LIVE DJs!!
    For Hosts/dancers, you dont need a high level experience, we can train you, though, you need be motivated, serious, and able to entertain local chat.
    For everybody, a good english level is requested (international club).
    Music genres of the club:
    Industrial, Goth, Darkwave, New Wave, EBM, Synthpop, Noize, Aggrotech, Electro, Futurepop,Underground Techno, Trance.
    Come inworld to the club to grab applications,
    http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/The%20Emerald%20City/163/168/25  ,
     100% to tips go to ALL djs/dancers/hosts! join us now!

    Established in 2006. We are looking for serious and motivated DJs/Host/dancers, photographers, video makers. ONLY experienced DJs or rl DJs, LIVE DJs!!
    For Hosts/dancers, you dont need a high level experience, we can train you, though, you need be motivated, serious, and able to entertain local chat.
    For everybody, a good english level is requested (international club).
    Music genres of the club:
    Industrial, Goth, Darkwave, New Wave, EBM, Synthpop, Noize, Aggrotech, Electro, Futurepop,Underground Techno, Trance.
    Come inworld to the club to grab applications,
    http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/The%20Emerald%20City/163/168/25  ,
     100% to tips go to ALL djs/dancers/hosts! join us now!

  5. Established in 2006. We are looking for serious and motivated DJs/Host/dancers, photographers, video makers.

    A very good experience with at least one of the following musics styles is requested for DJs: Industrial, Goth, Darkwave, New Wave, EBM, Synthpop, Noize, Aggrotech.

    For Hosts/dancers, you dont need a high level experience, we can train you, though, you need be motivated, serious, and able to entertain local chat.

    For everybody, a good english level is requested (international club).

    Music genres of the club:

    Industrial, Goth, Darkwave, New Wave, EBM, Synthpop, Noize, Aggrotech, Electro, Futurepop, Techno, Trance.

    Come inworld to the club to grab applications, or simply IM Lucifer Densmith when online!

    http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/The%20Emerald%20City/163/168/25  ,

    here only lives djs, rl artists, rl producers, 100% to tips go to ALL djs/dancers/hosts! join us now!

  6. first part of the message: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/Skill-Gaming-Policy-Thread/td-p/2771090/page/4

    second part: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/Skill-Gaming-Policy-Thread/td-p/2771090/page/10


    So, now i hope you understand there have been many abuses in past and still now. Abuses from creator sides, and now ill give the many way abuses have been made by owners ("operators").

    I hope LL, and readers will now understand that even if this TOS wants to do things the good way, its:

    *TOO  LATE, and will never compensate in any way SL residents that have been victims FOR YEARS of those abuses going even ruined in real life cause games in second life,

    *TOO much weak, on that side i can help and tell what is the only way to make trustable gaming in second life as the programmer iam, this trustable gaming will fit the original goal of the trust and safety section of linden lab that unfortunatly we didnt see much around past years.


    * 3rd part: example of owners (future "operators") easy way to cheat people/

    - use of scripted bots - exemple at Dynasty gaming, sim recently closed. Oh it was JUST the first gaming sim of SL for YEARS. Just something to say: if the sim closed due to use of massive bots in the contests (which is the main rumor circulating) we should expect in real life people who have been ruined by this sim, to get back money they lost .. that will ofc never happen and owner may be having good holidays at carribean with all the money he made.

    Other exemple on a well known owner that been spotted by me and many mentors- some of us were even sl wiki contributors, so we know what we did, on use of bots to cheat people in game sim in 2010. This guy is still there. Should have deserve a ban, i saw many others sim owners banned for less. But yes of course as he is someone representing vast amount of money in sl, he just removed quietly the bots...


    -use of alts to get contest prices: very used for years, it was very simple in 2010-2011 since most of config notecard had option for owners to change THE AMOUNT OF JOKERS in a game... that way players are ripped off in extremis at the end of contest by unknown player coming and beating high score in just few games at end. Of course impossible to explain that by avatar report, that never been read seriously by ll

    - use of owners alts in the replay boards- idem.

    - use of alts and bots to get artificial traffic (did you ever remember those sims with 100k traffic daily...) so, its unfair regarding other lands in sl, since key words were "usa, club, money...etc..."

    -use of "friend" that you could give money to kick true players from contest or replay, to increase gain as owner.

    - possibility to be both CREATOR AND OWNER of game sims: many creators used alts or close "friends" to be into buisness: let me just tell this if you creator of game you have all rights to modify all games of your sim, isnt it A BIG PROBLEM!

    -etc...etc.. all have been done...you can imagine easily.

    - Lets talk also to the NOLIMIT AMOUNTS PAYABLE IN SL GAMES: you can find machines at 50k, even 100k, and lose this amount in 8seconds. No its not star strek, its SL!


    I hope all now understand the vast abuses that have been done on creator side and owners side and that are done since 2007 changes.

    Nothing really changed, and even if i thanks LL to have ban many cheaters, i regret highly that SOME IMPORTANT OWNERS AND CREATORS are still there AFTER PROOF OF ABUSE FOR YEARS. and those victims of the abuse ruined with giant amounts of RL money due to their addiction they have no chance to see compensation.


    So now you understand fully the question iam wondering with a lot of honnest creators: will LL give a blessing to some of those (abusers creators or owners) with that new system, and even increase their SL Games Monopoly, or will LL will start thinking the abuses need to stop and have been SO FAR.

    Or you continue with the same "cartel" that is responsible of the rip off thousands users, and maybe ALSO the LOSS of thousands SL PLAYERS, who'd better have BUY A LAND than playing their whole day to those stupid addictives games!


    Its time to make a choice my next post will be suggestions for the LL "verifications"to seriously watch things, and stop all this comedy.







  7. lets now continue, the demonstration i started in my first post here:


    The first post highlighted the passivity of the lab for many years, and the many little change tos to... both avoid RL laws, and keep the buisness alive- and in fact limit it to a very little of creators that abused it for years with linden lab closing their eyes, each time.

    Now in this second post (of a long serie iam obliged divide posts) ill focus, on the script and programmer part problem of the "skill games", and on the notion of skill in this post.


    2007, ban of:

    • Baccarat
    • Blackjack
    • Craps
    • Faro
    • Keno
    • Pachinko
    • Pai Gow
    • Poker
    • Roulette
    • Sic Bo
    • Slot machines

    Official reason: (To fit with FBI recommendations.)

    It is a violation of this policy to wager in games in the Second Life® environment operated on Linden Lab servers if such games:


    1. Rely on chance or random number generation to determine a winner,
    2. Rely on the outcome of real-life organized sporting events,


    AND provide a payout in


    1. Linden Dollars (L$)
    2. Any real-world currency or thing of value.


    more infos :http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Policy_Regarding_Wagering_in_Second_Life


    *Scriptly talking , how worked those games: * the are scripted on a random basis, for random numbers or cards to appear.


    2008+:   Zyngos came to permit gambling staying in second life, under the name of "skill games".

    *Scriptly talking , how worked those games: * the are scripted on a random basis, for random numbers or cards to appear.


    2010-2011+ : deal, nodevil, etc...

    *Scriptly talking , how working those games: * the are scripted on a random basis, for random numbers or cards to appear.

    zyngo -like games grew more and more, the lsl changes of function related to external  server/sl communication permit games to be more reactive in second life, but also never verifiable.

    *How server parts can influence machines? :

    -The code is on the server: ll cant verify, nor anybody else. It can simply give back to the machine the random (not so random, so) numbers, or amount of jokers..etc..

    -Sql databases of players and amounts they play are done.

    -Machines can be updated in near real time:

    example of abuse of the updates by server on real time:

    a creator (from the cartel few big creators of machines) can set up a ratio win/lose for NEW machines, making them attractable for players. With a ratio of 50% win/lose owner wont take big risk and players will like those machines that dont lose much.

    Then when machines are played a lot creator can change ratio, with only one update and then all players will be ripped off.

    etc.. etc... i can explain and give examples further, but you can easily understand, that NOW, the codes are online and LL can never watch them.

    thats the main explanation the following reasons:

    -owners near never lose. (so its not a skill game if its setted up for a determinated amount of win/lose ratio!, a skill game would mean with your skill player have chance to win , to make profit.

    -players have a 50% ratio when they fresh players to theses games.

    -player get a 20% ratio after they played a lot (understand- they became addicts)

    i can furnish proof of that as past owner of those machines, and player. anyway ask players, they will all say" i started i was winning after i lost all". Thats because if the system would be really random new players could have a chance to lose a lot directly, but if new players lose all directly they will never come back to game sims :) so they need to have a good ratio win/lose at start - or good ratio on little bets machines- bad ratio on big ones, etc...

    -spam lists circulating between new sim owners games, that auto spam avatars that played before (i keep on getting auto spammed by new sims  launching on my main avatar that played giants amount of money... YEARS ago)

    - combinaison of bot scripting and server wtaching can make bots playing sims in some big owners sims.


    So , to resume since 2010, we no more even have machines scripted to give ranom numbers, no, the "buisness" grew to be controled by creators (and their alt owners) to avoid, them mainly: losing money (and players making profit: that was possible in past that casinos been ripped off by players, its no more possible, the casinos and those machines NOW ONLY WIN (on a long term basis)

    So we turned from 2007's random games, to a system that abuse people.

    Was it supposed to  be skill somewhere?


    my part 3 message will come soon to go further

  8. Well its better to change a policy before its been launched than after.


    And i would suggest to see many examples, of SL community reactivity that changed things in SL:

    --> the redzone problema, a forum thread with 8000 post resulted the ban of (NEAR- why ll protecting voodoo sploders remains mystery for me) all security system that abused privacy of users.

    If LL see a massive amounts of potential problems, due to this potential tos change, or a massive amount of negative feedback, they could abort it. its up to you, and me, - cause ill continue posting my DEMONSTRATION OF THE CORRUPTION OF THE WHOLE "skill gaming" syetem in second life  for years- to make things change.

    If SL residents already give up and accept everything. LL will think they accept this tos change.

  9. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Suggesting_a_policy_change


    We (Linden Lab) love listening to our Residents' feedback. But "feedback" covers a huge amount of stuff, so let's be specific: what if you disagree with Linden Lab policy — like what's shown on the Policies & Guidelines page — and want to suggest a change?

    On occasion and often in response to broad Resident concerns, we bring up an issue for discussion on the Second Life Blogs, where we'll provide an open discussion thread. This mainly applies to new policies, as well as policies we'll consider changing because they may not make sense over time. We may also use other communication venues to discuss policy, such as User Groups that meet inworld.

    Some Residents use the Issue Tracker to informally suggest policies. However, since the Issue Tracker is primarily focused on technical issues like bugs, Linden Lab employees in general don't watch there for policy discussions, and your concern may be replied to by other Residents, but it's unlikely for a Linden to ever see it. However, "policy" in this case can also expand to such things as software licensing legalities due to open source contributions.

    Before suggesting a policy change, please become deeply familiar with the material involved. For example, on the topic of intellectual property, you can't understand it without being knowledgeable about copyright and trademark mechanics. This in turn makes related discussions more productive for everyone. Do thorough research on how a particular policy came to be; issues that seem simple on the surface often have dependencies and good rationale behind them.

    We're unable to change a number of things for practical reasons. For example, "All land should be free!" and "Don't ban anyone" are both unworkable and inactionable.

    When legal advice is needed, specifics are essential. We can't provide a blanket answer for "all policies and situations" as each is different, and we recommend you consult an attorney.

    In addition, some topics which are related to "service" or "policy" can be found as specific ticket types in the Support Portal, so when submitting a ticket, have a look.

  10. MARTINRJ, its you who are totally NON SENSE here:

    Ocatavia highlighted the stupidity of this New tos (or potential new tos, because US, the resident are supposed to SUGGEST to LL our recommendations about it, so LL still able never launch this new tos, thats why i recommend  to every people to highlight the stupidity of this potential new tos, in this topic.


    What you wrote is true but out of context. Its TRUE that unknown scripters are paid ridiculous amounts for commissionned "zyngos". The source of that is the basis of zyngos, is full perm and everyone who is a bit aware can get it easyli. So paying that amount for something you can get full perm and free even if the scripter highly update this full perm basis, its honnest deaL.


    But :


    "Octavia Sorbet wrote:Purchasing games and add ons from creators is very expensive"

    When octavia wrote that she was talking not about commission from noname scripters, she was talking about the few creators that MONOPOLIZED , as a mafia cartel, the whole game buisness in sl.

    COREs, DEALs, ZYNGO, MONEY vault, NO DEVIL, they all cost 1000L£-2000L$ per machine, so its far from what you writing right now.


    For those big land owners they go up to 150.000L$ to buy copy nodevil, etc, for addons like high wheels (LL didnt answer my precedent post: do you recognize the illegality of high wheel in second life? why you avoid answering my first ) its 40K L$ in copy, same for contest boards or replay boards: 40K copy or more, at r&a core sims.

    Its like buying nike but for games machines, most of big sims owners always buy same machines cause they are everywhere, of course, the main reason is the original big sims owners are alts of those same creators SINCE THE START (sushant diesel-kain cleaver to give only an an example), owners feel obliged buy those
    for a very expensive price  from a little number of creators  that ll closed eyes about their activities for too much time, now .

  11. Well. Iam a creator of money games in Second Life (not on this avatar thought, but it really doesnt matters), iam a scripter and a server programer and i consider VERY strange the action you are starting right now.

    I would even ask: is that a joke?

    All the post that will follow will be the point of view of someone, who is, scripter/programmer of this kind of games (i only scripted few thought, i dont have giant buisness) and also, a PAST addict of this games, and BOth are important.

    I guess ill need to divide my post in many parts cause its a problem that you CANT, FIX by only one TOS change , and NOT by this one. iam able to discuss with ANY Linden Inworld about that: i would even ask where i can join public lindens meetings to explain the whole problem, and my point of view directly.

    I followed all the evolution about gambling in Second life and the 2007's FBI investigation. 2007 permitted the  ban of roulettes, blackjacks, poker, 777, etc... see google to inform yourself, it has been widely relayed by mass medias.


    The things that follow, at the opposite, only players, owners creators and ll, knew it.

    In 2010, i had a role by denouncing directly to Jp Linden/ gez Linden the Cheats related to the AutoON mode on machines like DEAL and Zyngos. The consequence of my reports have been a quiet silent change of TOS ("unoficial change") by linden lab that banned auto-on (a system that permitted players play "skill games" in automatic mode- which was nomore skill szince ALL the game was auto-, that permited owners make giants profits due to the increase of games played, increase of addiction, and increase of errors on this mode).

    So, to resume, in 2007, LL changed the TOS due to RL Laws, in 2011, LL investigated on a "autoon" game mode abuse which consequences have been the UNOFFICIAL and SILENT ban of autoon mode, and renforcement of games watching in SL.


    Since 2011? Nothing. No ToS change, and a low support reaction. Where is JP Linden that for example, in past Linden Employees were  banning in half an hour whole sims owned by  game sim owners who evidemently cheated?

    We miss since 2011 the reactivity of the Trust And Safety Section of Linden Lab about reading of the ticket/reports, and general watching of game sims in SL;

    So, to resume,The support of trust and safety is near inexistant/very low since 2011, no inworld linden lab employee that can help directly, and no read of abuse reports, or the abuse reports are read very slow/rarely.


    --->The main proof of what iam advancing, is there: inworld for years, how linden lab can take decisions then remove those decisions the next years:

    After the ban of autoon mode and the devils malus (and some other minor changes on the machines ) in early 2011-end 2010, DURING 6 MONTHES players didnt play a lot into games sims, of course, it was HARD to play, cause there has been a lot of attention from LL, to the SKILL notion: games turned long (20 turns needed), to fit new tos changes, etc.. and boring for "players.. To resume, game sims lost a lot of money during 6 monthes cause players didnt like the changes on machines-


    Regarding the HUGE amount of MONEY those "skill games" give each day indirectly to LL (full sims, big amount of transactions, people becoming addicts- a friend of me lost 60.000 euros in 4 YEARS! one other had debts in real life, paid advertising), Linden Lab had the choice  to continue their  attention about the SKILL Notion, and watch of abuse from owners and creators, or to accept new games, to counter their own restrictions.

    Same as 2007 the solution has been the creation of new games, i call this TO REACH A COMPROMISE.

    The NODEVIL machines, have been created around 2011, and, it "fitted " the new tos changes! : 20turns of game, no devil/malus, no autoon, and 5x5 cases grid.

    People came back to games sims, and all restarted, as before, cause the main problems (that ill explain in next posts) NEVER CHANGED SINCE 2007.

    So the game buisness in SL has been in extremis saved, and the consequence has been the "skill" notion have been... forgotten..by ll and by players and addicts

    Few monthes/years after, came new games!

    Those games called: ZAP, FIREBALL, CORE, etc.. had 3x3 grid cases: with that trick those creators (and many other with similar games) BYPASSED the restrictions, and games that way were freshly and again playables, in...10seconds (i remember for example on certains sims you can play 30k games and lose that amount in 10seconds...



    Then CAME some GAMES ADDONS:

    the giants wheels, and the 777 addons, that are linked to jackpots, and many others: those addons are added on the machines that mean you play FOR A POT, ofc the machine (a core, a deal, a zyngo, etc..its compatible with all) is a "skill game", but what about those ADDONs: seriously: do you think giant wheels, that were all around for past 3 years WERE SKILL GAMES? SAME FOR the 777 addons, and many similars!

    And the list can continue eternally:

    some monthes ago i was able to play in auto on at kain cleaver sim on cores, and deals, isnt that against, tos, no, or they changed agin?


    the follwowing posts will go further explaining that, explaining the programmer point of view and the whole system of gaming that grew in sl past few years: or LL take its own responsabilities and stop a partnership with few creators that are passively accepted for years but that abused the systeml for years or we continue like that.




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