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Posts posted by Vandris

  1. I was ripped off by this seller too and they gave me the run around and blammed the SL marketplace. When a Linden Labs rep had confirmed  that no item was ever sent or delievered and that the fault was at the responsibility of the seller who tried to pin the blame on SL. The truth is this seller is offering items they don't actually have and no one is receiving the items their purchasing. This has been going on for quite sometime because of the way peopel that run scams using Secondlife and Secondlifes Terms of Service makes it easy for them to get away with when you can't even mention the name or place that's running the scam. From the volume of complaints I've seen I beleive they have stolen thousands of dollars in real world money through thier fraudulent business. I'm sure at one time they were legit but that reputation ended the moment they started knowledgably ripping people off and given them nothing in return and not even so much as a refund when they were aware that no such product had ever been sent or delivered. Can you call them crooks when endless people have been complaining about them? Of course you can. As of now their SL Marketplace store is defunct and I say good riddance. I can only hope they're actually facing real legal trouble for all the money they've stolen from people using Secondlife as a scam.



  2. Is there any type of Blacklist or Rip off Report for SL merchants where people can post their experience or rate a merchant or talk about problems they've had? 

    Buying items on SL is hit and miss and unless it's a "credible" merchant (and even some of the "credible" merchants arent' so credible) you're still taking a gamble. I always wondered if anyone had created a website or something were you can view merchant ratings or give feedback on your shopping experiences since LL's doesn't help much with anything.

    I came across an issue with a merchant got scammed, realized they were having LL's removing negative reviews and feedback other customers left as well, and there's really no way to protect other customers. I thought something like that would be helpful if there was one for players.

    I also wouldn't count the Market place ratings or comments since negative reviews or comments can get removed and you have to purchase an item on there and inworld purchases or issues or discluded.

  3. I know that feeling I was recently scammed as well by a seller on the market place. Even with evidence of other customers being scammed as well LL's makes the point they aren't interested. Scammers know this so that's why it's so fequent. In my opinion LL's is just as bad as the people scamming you because even though they may be well aware of a scheme they don't lift a finger to stop it. When you think about it, they make money off your being scammed. It's pretty sad and makes you not want to bother with spending money on the MP, which hurts other sellers that are legitimate. I just know I won't be making purchases off the MP like I used too if at all because scamming is legal in Second Life.

  4. Dresden Ceriano wrote:

    Vandris wrote:

     It's a game and it was always a game. It's a SandboxMMOG. Mass multiplayer online game. You rent land and you build whatever you want on it that's how you play the game. You customize your character, play with virtual items, and run around a virtual world. I realized that the demographics for SL isn't exactly the average person that does play traditional games or even MMO's so they don't have experience to differentiate just what SL is. This game lets you get married,have sex, have children, etc. etc. That's all role play it is indeed very much a game because it does not have "real life" consequences behind the actions you take. As to date the only people I've come across that want to say SL is not a game are the kind of people that suppliment Second Life for their own reality so therefore they try to make a game seem more than what it is. I see this also as part of why people that get involved in "relationships" in this game end up getting hurt so much. They forget that this is all roleplay in this world and they try to cross the world over with reality and you just can't do that. So far I've notice that people I know that spend 24/7 in SL think of it as more than a game and refuse to acknowledge it as that while people that I've met that log in ever so often just think of SL as a game.


    What game doesn't take place in a virtual world?

    What game doesn't have a character you control? (even if you're just Player 1)

    You do have points in this game they're called "Lindens" Points in this game are its currency


    I was wondering how long it would take for someone to come along, completely disregard the topic at hand and present their argument either for or against SL being a game.



    That's cool, because I was wondering when someone would come along that assumes their "opinion" overides someone elses "opion" and fail to comprehend anything stated or implied and therefore assume they're making an "argument". This is usually what happens when you don't read things fully. Usually resulting in ones embarassment.



    To help your inability to fully comprehend what you're reading allow me to assist you better my comprehionsly challeneged friend... I recall this thread being about someone asking why do people get offended calling SL a game. I believe this large portion of my comment that I've highlighted for you in bold letters should cover that topic quite well for you. Consider this a humble gift. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

    "As to date the only people I've come across that want to say SL is not a game are the kind of people that suppliment Second Life for their own reality so therefore they try to make a game seem more than what it is. I see this also as part of why people that get involved in "relationships" in this game end up getting hurt so much. They forget that this is all roleplay in this world and they try to cross the world over with reality and you just can't do that. So far I've notice that people I know that spend 24/7 in SL think of it as more than a game and refuse to acknowledge it as that while people that I've met that log in ever so often just think of SL as a game,"

  5.  It's a game and it was always a game. It's a SandboxMMOG. Mass multiplayer online game. You rent land and you build whatever you want on it that's how you play the game. You customize your character, play with virtual items, and run around a virtual world. I realized that the demographics for SL isn't exactly the average person that does play traditional games or even MMO's so they don't have experience to differentiate just what SL is. This game lets you get married,have sex, have children, etc. etc. That's all role play it is indeed very much a game because it does not have "real life" consequences behind the actions you take. As to date the only people I've come across that want to say SL is not a game are the kind of people that suppliment Second Life for their own reality so therefore they try to make a game seem more than what it is. I see this also as part of why people that get involved in "relationships" in this game end up getting hurt so much. They forget that this is all roleplay in this world and they try to cross the world over with reality and you just can't do that. So far I've notice that people I know that spend 24/7 in SL think of it as more than a game and refuse to acknowledge it as that while people that I've met that log in ever so often just think of SL as a game.


    What game doesn't take place in a virtual world?

    What game doesn't have a character you control? (even if you're just Player 1)

    You do have points in this game they're called "Lindens" Points in this game are its currency




              I was wondering if it's possible to have a private chat using a microphone just between 2 people instead of the entire Sim and anyone nearby hearing your conversation? I tried to search for information on this but perhaps I'm just not looking under the right termonology. I'm just a noob here so please forgive me if this is such a simple question and answer that even a dog couldn't miss it.


    A new resident’s perspective of the current Second Life…(my opinion and current experience)


    I just recently started playing SL for about a month now. The world feels desolate after a while. Most people I meet are usually alone by themselves standing around or if they're lucky they're with a partner (so you feel even more alone). I've met plenty of decent people and have plenty on my friends list but few people seem to initiate a conversation without you speaking first.


    Most people I’ve come across just seem to be in SL to hang on to what's left of the good times they used to have as most peoples conversations are about what SL used to be like. I realized as a new player it's harder to find folks to be close companions with or goof around and explore with because they've already been there and done that. Most people who have been at SL for a while already have their routine. They talk to who they already know, do what they're used to doing, then they rinse wash and repeat. So socializing with them is like a disruption to their routine. They entertain you for a while but then go back to their normal routine which is their safe/comfort zone for them. So in return you spend a lot of your time being just as lonely if not bored in SL.


    People like to think of SL as more than a game but really it's the same as any other MMO. People just hang around either doing nothing or looking for something to do but at the same time they like to stick with who they already know so they're usually left with more of the same (honestly, how many new friends have you added to your list only to just talk to the old friends you already have?).


    Another thing I noticed is that some people that play SL really aren't so social as in they don't really know how to hold a conversation so talking to them feels like a Q and A, interrogation, or a job interview. I’ve always wondered why people who aren’t social and don’t like to be social or care to be social play socially oriented games. Online games, virtual worlds, social media or whatever you do to digitally socialize all require social interaction to thrive. When you have thousands of people just logging in to stay to themselves or remain in their limited/dying circle of friends it makes it harder for the social aspect of that world to survive. It does feel as though people log on just to sit around and not be bothered (especially if you read some of these condescending profiles people make you sense just that).


    What I find in SL are many empty zones (or as you call them here Sims) and clusters of people in certain areas. These usually being old starting zones, dance clubs, Sandboxes (obviously) where as you can guess people just sit around or dance around but still not really socializing unless it’s with someone inside their circle they might be with (I leave out SL’s highly popular Adult Sims because I avoid those places).


    As I traversed through the world I felt more like an archaeologist digging up the past of a world that was once thriving. Many interesting artifacts and architectural structures left behind by the inhabitants of the old world. I’ve spent much of my time looking at these places (alone obviously) imagining what these areas must have been like when they were full of life. Finding at least one other person in one of these areas was like a ripple in a pond that sent me seeking its source only to find out it was a bot. The last remaining monument in that Sim of what the people of that time had once looked like.


    There’s a sad emptiness that covers SL. In a funny way it reminds me of an old favorite movie of mine “The Never Ending Story” where the fantasy world is slowly disappearing because no one is reading fantasy books to keep it alive. In Second Life Sims are slowly disappearing because no one is logging in to keep them alive and thus the creators abandoned them and they simply vanish as though they were never there to begin with. It’s like “The Nothing” is slowly consuming SL.


    Surprisingly just substituting the world of “Fantasia” for “Second Life” in this excerpt of the movie seems so fitting…


    G'mork: I am G'mork. And you, whoever you are, can have the honor of being my last victim.

    Atreyu: I will not die easily. I am a warrior.

    G'mork: Ha! Warrior. Then fight The Nothing.

    Atreyu: But I can't! I can't get beyond the boundaries of Second Life!

    G'mork: Second Life has no boundaries.

    Atreyu: That's not true. You're lying!

    G'mork: Foolish boy. Don't you know anything about Second Life? It's the world of human fantasy. Every part, every creature of it, is a piece of the dreams and hopes of mankind. Therefore, it has no boundaries.

    Atreyu: But why is Second Life dying, then?

    G'mork: Because people have begun to lose their hopes and forget their dreams. So the Nothing grows stronger.

    Atreyu: What is the Nothing?

    G'mork: It's the emptiness that's left. It's like a despair, destroying this world. And I have been trying to help it.

    Atreyu: But why?

    G'mork: Because people who have no hopes are easy to control and whoever has control has the power.



    I assume I can’t really blame what’s left of Second Life on the remaining community. In the world of business success and growth only comes by attracting new customers; where as if you’re only dealing with the same customers, you’re merely just surviving and existing. Second life just seems to be at that point of surviving and existing. I haven’t met many new (as in not someone’s alt) players. Even the starter areas and places like Caledon are filled with veteran players more so than the newer players you’d expect to see there.


    Even though SL isn’t exactly young there are still people that are newly introduced to it. My first impressions of SL was that it looked very dated and the interface was just as equal but I was lucky enough to meet one of SL’s very dedicated new player mentors that helped me out from the start and showed me what SL could be about if I so wanted it so I stayed to continue my journey instead of logging out after 15 minutes to try something else to fill my free time.


    I really do have to hand it to the patient players that take their time to help out “noobs”. They do make SL a lot more fun and I’ve met quite a few of them. I would have to say that these types of people are more important to Second Life because they promote growth and security in the game by introducing newer players to it in a way that is more likely to keep them continuing to play and become an active part of the world (Like a force to combat The Nothing).


    Even still though it’s hard not to notice what Second Life once was when you see how vacant it’s become. When it’s difficult not to make “acquaintances” but actual “friends” to enjoy the game with it leaves you to wonder what the future of Second Life would be like for you. Walking around in the lurking emptiness alone to try and make something out of what’s left of a desolate world or just lounge around in the clustered areas making small chat and subtle conversations.


    As for groups I’ve joined a few in my areas of interests. Some are flat out dead at this point in Second Life and some are active but once again it just becomes a game of social circles within the group. You feel welcomed but not really welcomed so you end up just being there.


    In short I’d say that Second Life is interesting but the longevity of it as it is I question. Thank you for reading my novel experience.


  8. Thank you for the tips. I went out to the sea as linked and suggested. Took my planes and heli out but kept running into wierd issues. I'd be able to fly smooth for a bit then my Chopper would start doing spins and going in circles. When I flew in my jet it would just keep going. After a few minutes I'd see my avatar floating with no Jet or Helicopter and I'd either be stuck in the sky or sitting on the sea floor. Any ideas on what might be going on?



            I'm new to second life. There's many things I could say about the game but I've found something worth my while and that's flying in the game. It's fun atleast spending time in the limited space of sand boxes but I was curious if there are larger areas that are flight friendly. I have a ban line hud and flying on the main land is like playing Tetris. Also doesn't help when Sims load and your aircraft goes buggy in between the lines. Even at top altitudes you deal with the same problems. The games old and has more bugs than Joes apartment and I get it but is there atleast one place that you can explore safely while flying?

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