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Gia Swizzle

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Posts posted by Gia Swizzle


    ...:::Eclipse Magazine Flickr Photo Contest:::...

    The Prize:

    - Your photograph will be featured along with a bio article in ECLIPSE Magazine, including links to your Flickr or blog. This is a prize worth 5,000L and more than that in sheer exposure.


    - Enter your Submissions Here: www.flickr.com/groups/2964466@N22/

    - Must be an original photograph taken by the person submitting it.

    - All submissions should fit this month's theme.

    - Photographs must be labeled as 'safe'. NO Nudity.

    - All contestants must join the ECLIPSE Readers group in Second Life, found inworld here: maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/zanze two/200/163/2519

    ....or you can paste this into local and the group will come up: Eclipse Magazine Readers

    - You must be in the group before your pictures will be posted to the Flickr pool.


    Magazine Stats:

    - ECLIPSE Magazine is shared with over 1,000 viewers a month with between 7,500 to 40,000 impressions (how many times someone sees a link in an issue).


    If you have any questions, please contact Gia Swizzle


  2. Hey Everyone!

    I recently discovered the ability to post my Gacha items onto the Marketplace, which is so lovely! As you can imagine I have more than just one of each gacha item. Well, I have spent the afternoon listing them and just found out that a BUNCH of them were removed due to "Multiple Listings for the Exact same item".

    With Gacha items I have to utlize the Xstreet magic Box (How nostalgic hehe) and have put each item within the Magic Box and then went to My Marketplace and started adding in item info and price for each item.

    Does anyone know what to do once each object is in my Magic Box? Will my listing know if there are more than one of that object? Do I just list it once then put the amount available?

    I need help! Here is my MP Store Link Below (All multiple items have already been taken down off by LL)


  3. Alright Linden Lab!!! This is not even right. How am I as a Louisiana resident (big gambling state) not able to go play the SL gaming machines?! Yes, I went and read all of the information, but no where was it stated exactly why these states are being left out (Someone please let me know if I did miss the explanation). What did we do to you except give LL our money in exchange for Lindens to waste on these games (though we do win sometimes-Smiles). *I would like to see a full explanation as to why*.

    In addition, if gambling is such a hot topic why not get into the sex industry here in SL, everyone knows that is a money making business too and should be controlled-or would that be too controversial? Hmmmmm......So, exile residents from the sex industry sims too! 

    Ugh.....i just wanted to play Zyngo or that Devil Game. Thanks LL 


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