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David Starling

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  1. How is this possible? I did a DJ set and make 7K in tips, I tried selling them for the first time ever and when I look to process the money it says I am in the minus and owe money? I have never used it before.
  2. Thanks so much, found that in store (in world) but sadly not the Doberman head I wanted, so I have messaged the creator and will wait for him to get back to me. Thank you so much!
  3. Looking to find something VERY much like this but the store no longer exists and the item I cannot buy, someone please help!
  4. I am a regular at a few clubs but none of them play any good old skool hip hop, any good clubs?
  5. I have just done that, and yes I paid for premium plus just for this, waiting for access now. It will be just my luck it gets released to the public before I get early access, LOL.
  6. How do I join the alpha testing? I am really wanting Second Life on mobile as well, I just paid for premium in the first time in years but can't seem to access it.
  7. Hi all. I am a DJ irl and I am trying to learn how to DJ in SL, I have two possible spots but I am having trouble as most people use MIXXX but I can't live mix into it because my decks have a weird mapping and not much works. I pay for my actual software I use Serato Pro but it doesn't steam into shoutcast, so looking for software that can take audio from that program and stream it? Anyone done this with Serato? Many thanks.
  8. It's been 3 months and this avatar photo wont change on the chat, the icon next to your name and message is my old photo, Iv'e recently changed it twice in 2 months and it will not change, what's going on?
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