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Ravyne Bailey

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  1. I use a very small amount of glow and light with my high shine metals because in real life, shiny metal reflects light. The glow and light when done properly can give the illusion that the metal is reflecting light back outward from itself. I set both to no more than .05 as it seems that is the best setting for both night and day. I also use full bright on some things, while none on others. These settings depend largely on the type of metal and the shape of the object you're painting. I have a texture I made for something entirely different that has white and a band of pink on the top and a band of green on the bottom. I stretch it so that the full texture isn't repeated and it makes it much less noticeble as well. This makes my shiny silver metals look almost pearlescent and I'm sure with proper tweaking it could create a nice looking pearl or pearl paint car. Although I haven't played with it too much, it's a very awesome little effect and I'm sure it will work with any colors. With the right colorations, it could most likely make chrome and possibly gold as well. It's a simple texture to make and while it only fakes simple reflections, it's something to think about when you want a nice looking, yet quick to make material.
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