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Posts posted by xBamfo

  1. Hello. I have looked at the wagering policy on the Second Life wiki and am a bit unclear on whether an idea I had would qualify as a violation of it.


    I would like to run a sort of lottery. It would work like a raffle drawing each time. People would buy tickets, the money gathered would go into a pot, and then whoever's ticket is drawn gains the pot.


    Would this go against Second Life's  policies? Or would I be allowed to run something like this?

  2. Hello. I am curious if I should come into Second Life at where the current state of the game is. I've been looking around the forums, am surprised to see that there are threads that are recent, but also that there is a new second life being developed.

    So, with the new one being developed, and this version being quite old, what is the current state of the amount of people inside SL, and would it be a good idea to join up at this period of time?

    Is it a good idea? Or is it basically like parachuting onto a collapsing building?

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