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Posts posted by AnnabelleRaye

  1. Omg, I have done that a ton of times. the easiest way is to find anobject in your house. like a picture. or something that actually touches a wall. , use that to line up one of the walls. , and use the legs of furniture to line up the floor.

    Get it close using arrows. then use the edit window and the up down arrows nar the hight values etc where you can increase the hight and stuff slowly

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  2. I know this has probably been answered many times, but here goes.

    I have a pricy television i got on the market place. It came all configued with your tube , channels and some pre made notecards of play lists.  I can use it exactly as it is supposed to work, i can play a video on you tube and walk around my rented parcel  and see it from across the room as if it were an actual tv.  I have friends come over , and they are able to use the media device,  select  videos from you tube and do what i just described. The issue is we can only see and hear the videos that we ourselves selected.  How do i make it so that I can play a you tube video so that everyone in my room sees the same video.  Any suggestions as to what i should check, I do have Media access over the parcel .


  3. I wear an basic Open collar with one owner assigned. it is set to non public access, i wear no other relays, and the rlv functionality is turned on.  I hope by doing this , that my owner can teleport me away from places where RLV restrictions prevent me from doing so, because the RLV  and relay come from the collar which they own

    does this sound like what would happen.  Which  would win out. the the no tp restricton from the device, or my owner using the collar to summon me?

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