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Teanna Kytori

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Posts posted by Teanna Kytori

  1. i can make all the clothes in the world.. my problem is getting the standard sizing avatars to size them to.

    (small, medium, large, XL... etc)

    is there a way to download the stadard sizes without having to get on singularity and save the top then bottom then head and putting them together in blender?

  2. ah! ok

    please tell me how to see the 2d images in photoshop. When i export it as a obj (in MD) i trytoput   it in photoshop and it dosent give me 2d images to draw on. just either a 3d object that i cant draw on or one layer that, if i take off, turns the object from white to shaded,

  3. ive been playing with marvolus designer for hours trying to figure it out.


    i cant!


    problem 1: i dont see any tutorials that tell you about adding a design on top of the texture. so ive been trying to find a way to get the object in photoshop so i can paint on a design. if i put on a texture inside marvelous designer, it will tile across the whole item. if you dont knoww hat im talking about, its like tring to put a smiley face on the middle of a shirt without tiling smilet faces all over.


    problem 2: i dont know how to upload a mesh that comes from Marvelous designer. SL dosent take OBJ files & i dont see any tutorials to help you upload mesh items or that tell you how to save a file as a file that SL will upload.


    im new at it! trying to figure it out

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