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rana Diavolo

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Posts posted by rana Diavolo

  1. regarding my avatar I had a well known person who does business with LL send them email to tell them we do business together and I own a sim and have gambling machines in that sim and that alt is not new but an alt I keep my lindens in a safe place LL did not even care they just took the lindens the avi and call it violation is doing business in world violation ???? or making lots of lindens violation ??????? I work on sl cause i am not able to work in RL i am disabled to do so mother of kids and I feel that i am living while i am doing something even in 3d program better then nothing at least so I am asking again to please have some mercy cause I will tell my lawyer about it even if it costs me a lot I want to know what is my violation and that is my right i guess specify it and ppl learn from mistakes if there are any

  2. this has been happening a lot but no matter what is the reason LL should tell and specify the reason or what was done wrong if they really investigated  cause sometimes people do things to other residents and then they report them and the inocent person end up with account hold but still LL does not specify the violation . and I have feeling some LL employee do it in racisim way or when they see a person has lots of lindens in their avatar they want to have I had lots of friend who play gambling and won a lot and when they have lots of lindens in their account they get banned and still same reason violation but what is the violation they dont know I honeslty find it unfair and recently lots were had their account on hold  and they are about 30 ppl in world and will all hire lawyers and take this thing to court  I am one of them I had an alt avatar where i keep my lindens so no one hacks me and I did tell LL this is my alt yes I get gifts and I win in gambling and yes I had lots of lindens in my avatar butI never use this avatar for chating nor in world so what is the violation I have done ?????????? if no one knows the alt of mine and when they saw it has lindens in it they had it on hold and today I am talking to my lawyer and my friends are too and we will take it to law cause this is have been happening a lot and we need to know why this is happening . plus I like to tell LL that most are sim owners or they spend more then they get in world if we all agree to leave sl cause it is not fair to certain nationality or race LL will be loosing a lot and I am willing to prove this to LL . the problem is when u try to talk on the phone with anyone they say we have nothing to do with this and we are billing dep. ok we have to have someone to explain the situation and have an answer at the same moment I feel that I am treated unfair and lots are too some ppl are not even talking cause they dont speak english but we have had it and got to the limit and I guess the court will give us our rights back sorry if i am very harch in my words but honeslty if you have anyone in world listen to how those ppl loose avatar that have been working on for years and years in seconds they loose friends sim attached to that avatar and have to start all over again and again and when they ask for anotherchance and to be pardoned if they done anythig wrong LL doesn't feel with those ppl I mean ppl make mistakes maybe but dont know it is mistake either specify so they will not do again or forgive them .   if there is anyone can talk to me in world or reply back from LL cause ppl are frusturated and about more then 1000 residents willing to leave SL and those are in about 4 to 5 sims and groups who would listen to them ????????????

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