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Everything posted by Lana39

  1. Hi all finally got the problem sorted :smileywink: Think it may have been out of date drivers also a popup which i uninstalled everything working fine on SL viewer now. thanks for all the interest and advice
  2. I can't run SL on my windows 7 64 bit. I installed firestorm's new viewer and have also tried sl viewer. Been trying to get back in SL and nothing is working so i'm wondering is there any way i can chat to friends without installing it on my computer?
  3. Hi Diane thanks send me an IM sometime
  4. Hi Ash send me an IM sometime
  5. Thanks for the friendly advice
  6. Thanks for the advice and maybe i will see you at the breakfast club soon
  7. Hi i'm pretty new to SL and i'm looking for friends as i haven't made many friends yet. It can get a bit boring sometimes when you have no one to do things with. I like music and exploring places and would like to find out what SL has to offer. I haven't written anything in my profile as i'm not sure what to write. If anyone is interested in being my friend feel free to send me an IM.
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