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Posts posted by BrittanyW1

  1. If you are number one in your field, which job would pay the best. I am not attempting to get the highest paying job because i am assuming it requires a skill set and determination i do not have. So answer with facts or educated estimations. Thank You! I AM NOT LOOKING TO DO THE JOB, I AM ONLY ASKING BECAUSE I AM INTERESTED, I JUST WANT TO KNOW, IF YOU ARE THE BEST AT WHAT YOU DO, THAN WHAT PERSON THAT IS ON THE TOP WOULD BE PAID THE MOST !!!!! THIS IS NOT BECAUSE I WANT TO DO THE JOB!!!!!! JUST WANT TO KNOW!!!!

  2. I'm interested in being a fashion designer in SL and i just don't know where to start. I don't have premium so does that affect my options? please help.:matte-motes-crying:

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