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Posts posted by Ameyuoi

  1. Greetings,

    i am not sure if this is the right Thread for it.... but i try it here :)

    So what i want to Talk about is Deep Water for Mainland Sims... like deep deep water, oceanlike deep, for example Visit this Mainland and take a quick jump in the Water: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Miller/223/87/87

    So we are talking about Water that is around 50-100 Meter deep... and thats what i want for most of sl water, Deep Water where you can Dive with or without Vehicles, where you can Explore the deep darknes under the Sea...

    There are barely any deep Water Mainland sims and this is a problem... so please all you Lindens and Linden Moles... plese bring us deep water... and if you want to make it perfect please make it Rezzable so people can fight on big and deep Oceans....


    ohhh and... please connect the Continents :D with deeeeeeeep Black Water there doesnt even have to be anything in it... :D


    in hope that someone reads this... and gives us mor Deep Water....

    Aveline Lutece (ameyuoi)

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  2. Hi, i am searching someone who can make clothes, for specially i want a special outfit of an russian paramilitary troupe. it need to have only few different textures, some prim parts, and an long mesh coat. if you think you could build something i would happy to hear from you to give you some pics of what i mean :)


    With meanfull hopes Ameyuoi :)

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