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Lahaina Jonstone

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Posts posted by Lahaina Jonstone

  1. 6 hours ago, Nika Talaj said:

    If you have Firestorm (I'm not sure about LL's viewer), you can easily check your teleport history to see if the name of the property you last teleported from is still "Linden Home".  If there are few available properties in the theme you want, you may wish to wait until someone else claims the property you just abandoned. 

    If there are a lot of properties available, for me it usually works to simply wait for 15 minutes or so before claiming a new property, regardless of whether the one you abandoned has been claimed. I usually get a different one then.

    i tried to copy the lm and look at it before choosing, but that did not work.  Guess I will have to keep trying until my luck changes.  Thanks for helping.


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  2. 5 hours ago, UnilWay SpiritWeaver said:

    This is likely the reason that when you get a home there is often someone nearby "suspiciously" watching. That person is often the prior owner waiting for the home to get claimed before they try to grab their next one.

    People used to do that all the time when there were less available homes so the chances were high it would get claimed quickly. These days an abandoned home could be the next one on the list or could stay empty for months as the list is often just too big - but I still see the odd person doing this waiting. Probably someone at the 'end of their frustration' over getting it handed back to them repeatedly.

    I really don't understand why LL doesn't fix this. It's as simple as attaching a small list / array onto your session storage or web cookie showing all the linden homes your account had held in the last short amount of time - a variable that wouldn't take up much space, and could be read and used to filter the table of potential results.


    As an exercise in futility and yelling into the wind... some pseudo code to show how simple a fix could do it:

    priorRecentHomes = checkCookies(recentLindenHomes); // Put your recent picks out of the browser cookie
    getSeletectedHome() {
    	newHome = rollChoice(availablehomes.length) // Do a random check of anywhere on the list of availables.
    	if (priorRecentHomes  && priorRecentHomes.contains(newHome) && availablehomes.length > 3) getSeletectedHome();
    	// recursive run until it doesn't pull the same home again. By contrast if there are 3 or less of that home theme available, you're stuck with what you get.
    	// You'd also just get what you got if you had no recent homes or had refused to let it save a cookie.
    	else return newHome;


    Actual code would probably be of not much more complexity than that... and we'd have a fix.

    Given that it'd be easy to fix this, and yet hasn't been fixed - it's clearly intentional that you can waste your picks on the same result.


    It sucks as an answer - but if there is a particular home you want out there, the reliable option is to go premium plus for a month. Spend a day or two grabbing one home from each theme to get all their build kits, then put in a ticket for your desired choice.

    I am looking for a stilt on water.  Still only 4 available.  I had no idea what I was getting into when I let my last home go.  Oh well, live and learn.  Thanks for your input.


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  3. 6 hours ago, Nika Talaj said:

    If you have Firestorm (I'm not sure about LL's viewer), you can easily check your teleport history to see if the name of the property you last teleported from is still "Linden Home".  If there are few available properties in the theme you want, you may wish to wait until someone else claims the property you just abandoned. 

    If there are a lot of properties available, for me it usually works to simply wait for 15 minutes or so before claiming a new property, regardless of whether the one you abandoned has been claimed. I usually get a different one then.

     Good hint. Thank you.

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  4. I understand the following: Warning: Please use this reasonably: if you abandon and choose a new Linden Home five times in 24 hours, you are temporarily blocked from choosing another. You will need to wait 24 hours before registering again.


    when I select  and check it out a new  home alternative to find it is NOT what I am looking for...then abandon and choose another - it brings me back to the same choice over and over.  This means you get ONE  not 5 choices in a 24 hour period...right?  Or am I doing something wrong?

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