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Posts posted by oxoxDESTINYxoxo

  1. Thankyou to the person in world who answered my ? unlike the one below who spewed nonsese about something i didnt ask. Had she read the ? RIGHT she could have answered right instead of random imformation that didn't pretain to what was asked.  Oh look more who can't read. Awwwww some seems butt hurt by my response (and will claim not to be) please go one ill be off ignoring this post and having fun but please feel free to keep justifying yourself  :smileyvery-happy:

  2. not that I saw He connected to my Mama allpa then he was ummm... releasing in that the periodically and i noticed he would release in me from an onduty one aswell? It was only one person doing this (incase you thought maybe one was using one and one was using another) and nobody else in the room. So i dont see how he is  connected to my mama Allpa and using that? and all his says is realeasing in allpa then every once in awhile relasing from on duty no attachments to me or nothing from the onduty... then the on duty window (I remember from the first experiance with that stuipd thing when i had no hud) went off saying i was pregnate but im using my own HUD so im confused are they both gonna go off or does one cancell one out? My hud dosnt seem effected by the onduty. But idk if the pregnancy mechanices on it are (sorry for misspellings its late lol) I just dont want no onduty crap thats why I bought my own HUD? now im confused.

  3. Combatability parts? you mena for the onduty? cause when this happened before on the day  i first started (i had no parts or anything) someone got my avi preg and i ignored it, had no parts on me a friend took me to a clinic it it was there ready to be born? thats why im confused? i dont want my Mama Allpa messed up :/ 

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