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Posts posted by CaelDewitt

  1. You can use changing rooms as well. I had this problem with changing into an outfit in an open sandbox on my first day of Second Life. I got hounded about how it was akin to real life nudity - which I completley disagreed with, particularly since my av was like a ken doll and only naked for about 1 second. However, all that can be easily avoided by going on the website and looking under locations for sandboxes with changing rooms. 

  2. cael.jpg


    Hi there!

    I'm looking for people to chat too and make friends with. My current interests include the gym, writing and reading fiction, photography, gaming, boxing, the F1 and roleplay. If there's a creative element to something then I'll probably enjoy it. I love to discover new conversation topics and broaden my horizons so don't worry if we don't have much in common. 

    I'm a 21 year old male in real life but I'm looking for friends of any age and gender. I'd prefer people who have a decent understanding of English but I know bits and pieces of different languages to help bridge the gap if English isn't your first language. I'm in Europe; I can usually be found on quite late, especially on the weekends, so I'll likely still be able to chat to people in different time zones. 

    Either reply on here or IM me in world at CaelDewitt. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope to meet you soon. :)

  3. It's the oldest cliche in the book but just be yourself. London is a great place to find a lot of people. Say hello in general chat and don't be afraid to send people messages or join in with pre-existing conversations. You sound like a very concientious person so I'm sure you own't be a burden.  

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