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Posts posted by KhalanLyra

  1.   .:::SafeWord:::.
      SafeWord is a *NEW* BDSM & LGBTQ friendly hangout/lounge that is working hard to be a part of the community. We have an interest in discussions with various topic genre's, live acts, BDSM Education, Dj/Host Events, & anything else that might 'pop' up.
    As a new venue, we are looking to hire Dj's, Hosts, Dancers, Managers, Discussion Leaders, Live Acts, or anyone who has a strong interest or already existent knowledge base to join us and become what I hope ends up being one of the best BDSM Community hangouts.
      Our beautifully designed 1/4 SIM gives a calm feel as you have the option to explore. We have several things for you to see and do, so don't be a stranger to checking out what all we have to offer, even if it's just hanging around because you enjoy it here, we are very pleased to be able to open up a place that makes you feel comfortable.
      Our goal is to create an area for people to gather and become a staple in the BDSM Community and we hope with the help of some members who also look for the same goals, we can make this possible. We are very glad you have found interest with us.
    For applications, please visit our location: [http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ancient%20Ireland/197/219/22] and you can receive an application through accepting our greeters folder, or clicking on the application stand on the inside left of the entrance. Thank you for stopping by.
          -Owner K Metal Grey Spires (KhalanLyra Resident)-

    .___SafeWord___. Official Insignia LOGO.png

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  2. ♪☊♬♥♪♬♥☊♩♬  CLUB REVENANT IS HIRING ♬♩☊♥♬♪♥♬☊♪
    Hey all! Club Revenant is one of the newest and up and coming epic clubs on the scene, and we are currently searching for the best Dj's and Hosts to fill our ranks!

     If you are interested in  becoming a part of our Revenant Family, please contact someone of the following owners/managers:
    alexmirage resident, OWNER
    dariandreadmoon resident, OWNER
    khalanlyra resident, GENERAL MANAGER
    kittyfire29 resident, HOST MANAGER

    LIKE US HERE: https://www.facebook.com/ClubRevenantSL
    JOIN US HERE: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Couture Way/224/170/907
    DISCORD US HERE: https://discord.gg/QrympkN

    Club Revenant Insignia Logo.png

  3. We are a new club, looking for staff. We are looking for Dj's, Host's, and Dancers. We are an open genre club, which means you can play what you would like , and using mic is at your discretion as long as you are active in local, no mic is necessary. Our Grand opening is going to be around Halloween, so we can suit the club with a theme, although, we are looking for regular staff to go ahead and start as soon as possible. Rules are easy to follow and we aren't picky as long as you follow them.


    All staff must be prepared for their delegated scheduled time-
    You make your own schedule so there is no reason to not be ready for it.

    We have a scheduling board in world for your convenience.  It will let you know in local 30 minutes before your scheduled shift to help you remember with plenty enough time to prepare. Please let KhalanLyra Resident know if you are having trouble scheduling yourself.

    If for some reason you can NOT make your shift,  please let the the Owners or Management know at your earliest convenience so we can prepare ourselves to find a fill in or cancel the set. We like to remain as consistent as we can with sets, as it's important to maintain traffic, which in turn, helps with our success as a club entirely.

    If  sets go as 'no-shows' then we lose those regular VIP's that come during that time window. The latest we can accept a 'not able to make it' request, is 30 minutes prior to your set. If you don't let us know by then, it can count against you., and you can lose your position working with us.

    Remember, YOU SET YOUR OWN SCHEDULE, therefore there is no reason you can't make it. If you are having trouble with your current set as per your personal schedule has changed, please feel free to find yourself a set that's more convenient for you or contact the owners or management . We don't want to lose our staff if it can be helped, all our staff is important to us.

    First Offense: Warning
    Second Offense: Lose Your Shift and become a fill-in
    Third Offense: Termination

    **All staff is expected to be outgoing, respectful of others, and drama-free! Please keep your personal problems out of the club. This includes the chat as well. If you have an issue working with someone, please come to us discreetly without making your personal issue with the person a public thing. We are more than happy to assist you to resolve the issue. More is always welcome

    **All staff is expected to commit to at least 1 shift per week. More is always welcome

    **Contests can be made by anyone willing to apply the funding for it. Contests that are funded by the Owners will be ran by the most committed staff available, or by the Owners themselves. Contests are not required. This is a choice entirely up to you. If you are interested in funding a contest, please let one of the Owners know so they can add you to the board.

    Pay Rates: Djs= 100%, Hosts=100%, Dancers= 85%


    *Voice is NOT required
    *Greet VIP's
    *Shoutouts to the club are expected
    *Shoutouts for the voting system is expected ( This system not only helps the club, but ALSO helps our Dj's to make it on the Top 40 DJ's on the SHX List online )
    *You can find the list here : [ http://shxonline.com/top40/djs/ ]
    *Stay interactive with the VIPs
    *Offer to take requests if you are able to take requests
    *Must have your own stream, if you don't you can find one here:
    [ http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Luscious Kisses/214/44/22 ]
    *Shoutouts for other working staff members are encouraged
    *Thank Vip's for Tips


    *Greet VIP's
    *Notices are expected at the start of each set and at the HALFTIME point as well. Those go out in Event Groups and the VIP Group.
    *Interact with the guests: we have a few thing that can assist in this such as the Trivia Ball and a Truth or Dare Game.  
    *Stay ACTIVE in local
    * Don't over-use gestures. Show discretion between using  them and actually speaking in local.
    *Shoutouts for the voting system is expected ( This system not only helps the club, but ALSO helps our Dj's to make it on the Top 40 DJ's on the SHX List online )
    *You can find the list here : [ http://shxonline.com/top40/djs/ ]
    *MASS TP's aren't expected, however they are encouraged
    *Shoutouts for other working staff members are encouraged
    *Thank Vip's for Tips


    *Greet VIP's
    *Emotes are expected, at least once every 15 minutes. Talk in between them.
    *Interact with the guests: Make them feel like they are getting special attention from you.  
    * Thank the VIP's with an emote, after all, thats why they are tipping you!
    *Shoutouts for other working staff members are encouraged

    ****For anymore Questions, clarifications, concerns, or comments, please direct them towards M3t4lh34d Resident or KhalanLyra Resident.

    We have applications in world at our location. [ http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Yazzz/49/85/21 ]

  4. ▄ █ ▌ⒸℒԱƁ ⒸӇƐℝℝℹƐ ▌█ ▄     https://www.facebook.com/ClubCherrie/

    ✧♪✦·.¸·`·.¸¸·`·.¸.♬ Welcomes you to join us for one amazing SL experience! ♬ ·.¸·`·.¸¸·`·.¸.✦♪✧



    Come hang out with us and be a part of our amazing family! We love to just hang out and listen to music, have events, and make new friends and we want you to be a part of everything!

    We are a new club with new ideas and a fresh concept with experienced staff! We have a genuine interest in our VIP's unlike any other as they are what builds us and help us to thrive!

    We are always hiring, and always looking for fresh talent as we also provide training to those who are looking for skills in such areas of Hosting, Dancing, and Djing. Our friendly staff is always willing to help in any way possible and provide you with a fun and comfortable training environment!

    We offer a Bloodlines friendly environment, and we welcome any and all who are +18 to come experience our Club. We have plenty here and more to come, including Themed Events, Raffles, Contests, Dancing, excitement and more!

    Feel free to fill out one of these and return them to either Primary Owner Jϊɳϰ ƊαjىϦϊα Мєϯåℓ-Bigbҽɑɼ (m3t4lh34d) or Co-Owner ĐJ Stαg ℋєςαţє-Мєϯåℓ-Bigbҽɑɼ (vampie.bigbear) today!


    WE ARE ALWAYS HIRING and always looking for fresh talent as we also provide training to those who are looking for skills in such areas of Hosting and Djing. Our friendly staff is always willing to help in any way possible and provide you with a fun and comfortable training environment!

    ** PLEASE CONTACT djdreamstfu Resident OR DamselNDisturbed Resident TODAY!



  6. Come hang out with us and be a part of our amazing family! We love to just hang out and listen to music, have events, and make new friends as we build our Underworld Empire, and we want you to be a part of everything!

    We are a new club with new ideas and a fresh concept with experienced staff! We have a genuine interest in our VIP's unlike any other as they are what builds us and help us to thrive!

    We are always hiring, and always looking for fresh talent as we also provide training to those who are looking for skills in such areas of Hosting, Dancing, and Djing. Our friendly staff is always willing to help in any way possible and provide you with a fun and comfortable training environment!

    We offer a Bloodlines friendly environment, and we welcome any and all who are +18 to come experience our Club & Lounge. We have plenty here and more to come, including Bloodline Vendors, Themed Events, Raffles, Contests, Dancing, excitement and more!


     Applications are at the door! Please return them to either Khalanlyra Resident, Tsulola Resident, or Vampie Bigbear!

     You can also find our applications online for your convenience!

    Come Visit Us Today! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/PartyTopia/157/161/22


  7. GREETINGS! Underworld Empire Clan/Pack are looking for volunteers to participate in a date auction to help support the funding of their land. This date auction will require willing participants only and is not a paid position. All proceeds will be going towards the clan's necessities in the form of a fundraiser to help pay for the land. Willing participants must be able to agree to the following requirements:

    Each Participant must agree to a 2 hour date with the person that bid the most on them. * These dates are not required to be romantic, you are just being "bought" to spend time with them*
    Each participant must be of legal age at 18+
    No child avatars please.

    How the event will go:
    Each participant with be "displayed' and bid on. The highest bidder will place their bid into a tip jar. The tip jar will serve as fundraising for the clans land .

    We also encourage those who are interested in going as bidders as well, and for participants to bring their friends and family. This will be a public event and all are welcome outside of the requirements.

    This event is TBA until we have enough volunteers who are willing to participate.

    For Questions or Inquiries, please direct them to Khalanlyra Resident. Thank you!

  8. Underworld Empire Club and Lounge is hiring! We are a non-genre specific Club and we welcome all. We are looking for Djs, Hosts, and Dancers to come join us! We prefer experience in all positions, but training is available. We pay 100% tips and 200L to those scheduled to work DURING AN EVENT/CONTEST. This could be your own event or an event set up by the owners.

    Must be active in local
    Must be fun
    Must be able to follow instruction
    Must fill out an application
    Must be open to an interview
    Must follow Club Rules

    DANCERS ONLY: We are located on land with an ADULT maturity level. This means having an avatar that resembles a child is PROHIBITED. We require dancers to be roughly 6 ft. inworld, OR have an avatar that resembles an adult ENTIRELY. Anyone caught on a pole in our club that is comparable to a child avatar will be asked to change into an adult-like avatar or asked to leave. No Exceptions.

    We are located at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Aldo/208/36/22

    Applications are located at the entrance of the club. Be Sure to turn them into Khalanlyra Resident or NessietheReaper Resident


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