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Moriarty Static

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Posts posted by Moriarty Static

  1. 4 hours ago, Fenix Eldritch said:

    llLoopSound will cause the specified sound file to continuously play forever until stopped by calling llStopSound. Your script is also calling llLoopSound repeatedly on a timer, which has no effect if it's specifying the same sound that's already looping (contrast with something like llPlaySound which will cutoff whatever sound is currently playing and will attempt to play the newly specified one once).

    If you don't want the sound to loop/play at all, remove the llLoopSound line.

    Thanks, and for the link message? Once it starts with FlashOn where do I put FlashOff to stop it? Basically the whole script is for a rocket backpack that slows the users descent automatically.

  2. Honestly feel like a total noob posting here but I am having issues trying to get a parachute script to stop triggering a sound when it's being used. I've tried using "else if" function but I think I may be using it incorrectly. Any help on this would be awesome.


    // Parachute script
    // Applies a drag force in the Z-direction only,
    // to change terminal velocity

    // Ordinal Malaprop
    // 2006-09-08

    float gFallSpeed = 10.0;
    float gCoefficient = 0.0;

          // Calculate drag coefficient based on desired speed
          gCoefficient = 9.8 / (gFallSpeed * gFallSpeed);
          // Correct drag force regularly
          llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, 40, "FlashOff", "");

          // Drag only applies in the Z-direction, and only downwards
          vector vel = llGetVel();
          float speed = vel.z;
          if (speed > 15.0) speed = 0.0;
          vector drag = llGetMass() * gCoefficient * speed * speed * <0.0, 0.0, 0.7>;
          // Apply force
          llSetForce(drag, 0);
          llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, 40, "FlashOn", "");


  3. On 5/6/2018 at 12:38 PM, avguste said:

    So I do have to ask. How is the shooting in SL? are they many SLMC groups and is there a listing of them? What do you all do in SL (type of activities). L$ Salary?

    Unfortunately everyone in that community sticks to 100 damage bullets. So one shot, one kill. The community is largely dead and is not really active beyond a few times a year. This is due to other games coming out as well as people quitting the community due to people griefing. Coercion is one such group.

  4. I currently run a military RP sim and require a quality scriptor to produce weapon scripting for us. This will include armored vehicles, guns, bombs, artillery, and other things that go boom. I will not require mod rights however trans will be necessary as the weapons will need to be given out to the group. This will be a one time contract deal for every weapon. One price, for one job. There will be multiple jobs, almost endless as I have a ridiculous amount of ideas. Prices are negotiable. I am not a penny pincher, however if you're asking for a price as high as a car payment for something as simple as a gun, please do not contact me. Be realistic. If interested please contact me in world, and send a demo version of any weapon you have made. The scripts need to be simple and low lag. Please also let me know your general rates and what level of scripting you have to make weapons. Notecards are best as my IMs do get capped.

  5. ► Who is A.D.I?
    ADI stands for Atlas Defense Industries. ADI began in January 2013. We are based on Wasteland style roleplay and combat. ADI specializes in Second Life combat and military roleplay.

    ADI was created as a way to supply the Wastelands inhabitants with high quality weapons to keep themselves safe. As a result we have unfortunately gained enemies who wish to steal our weapons development secrets, and at worst destroy us. Because of this, ADI Chief Executive Moriarty Static has decided that it is necessary for a Security Branch to be created, to safeguard ADI facilities.

    This is not to say that you can only be hired by ADI for security purposes. No! You can join the happy ranks of our employees in R&D, Marketing, Sales. Why you can even apply to be marked as a Wasteland Wanderer and take refuge within ADI facilities so you can live in peace and relaxation, provided that you do your part when trouble comes knocking!

    ► Why join ADI?
    Why not? ADI has many divisions to choose from for your interest. Members have the benefit of enjoying many of the FREE awesome weapons, tanks, mechs, and air warfare that we create ourselves and administer to qualified members. ADI members also are able to go on raids to other military combat sims and fight alongside your comrades to win with victory! Moreover, joining ADI is joining to become a part of the something great and having fun while doing it!


    Contact either Moriarty Static, tych Voyager, or Princess Verwood to apply!

  6. I run a roleplay military called Atlas Defense Industries. I am seeking a mesh builder to create our armor. We do not require rigged armor, as we like to allow our members to modify the armor to their liking. Please contact me in-world to let me know of your availability, experience, and usual prices.

    -Moriarty Static

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