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Posts posted by JoannMarshellBarnett

  1. Hello, I am in serious need of help concerning my profile. I don't know if this is the right place to post this thread. I assumed it was because this forum is about 'Your Avatar' and that is what our profiles are about. Our Avatars.


    For the contest I want to enter, my profile must be search-able. have no nude photos in it, not be a member of adult groups, etc.. I filled out the form, have the photo ready, but when I double-checked to make sure that my profile will show up in search, I was shocked! Not only did it NOT show up in search (yes I do have the correct box in 'general' so that it should show up in search), it has an A rating!

    Again, I repeat, there are no nude photos in my profile, do not belong to any adult groups. All of the groups I belong to are either G rated, or M rated. This is shocking to me, not only because this means I can't join the contest, but because I am a Christian. With this 'A' rating tag on my profile who is going to believe that I am really a christian? I would be assuming that they are doing some 'immoral' stuff and are hiding it and somehow LL found out and slapped an 'A' raing on their profile.

    Well, I know better than to assume that now!!

    I checked this out on the forum and learned that 'keywords' has something to do with the rating, not just photos and group memberships. I looked again at my profile, this time double checked my interests, I didn't see anything there that could have given me an 'A' rating, but panicking I unchecked everything in it anyway. But when I searched for my profile again, it STILL had the 'A' rating!!!

    Going back to my profile, I clicked on the 'Web' tab. My eyes popped out of my head. one of the Interests I had put in there was: 'Adult Education'. Now to me adult education means like studying for your GED which is something I am currently doing and would love to be able to do this in SL, or learning a new subject, like a foreign language, etc.. BUT I'm thinking that Second Life focused on the word: ADULT and that one word (because it's a computer rating us not humans) changed my G rated Profile and turned it into an 'A' rated profile.

    But there are four letters that could have also given my profile the 'A' rating. BDSM

    I am NOT into the BDSM lifestyle, those 4 letters were (before I removed it) in my profile because a man I met in SL who'd told me he was a Pastor in PA, had let it slip that he's into the BDSM lifestyle, he has lovers in SL etc.. I didn't put in my profile who it was, and I won't. But towards the bottom of my profile in the 2ndLife tab I had put: 'If you are a ministor or pastor and you let it slip that you are into BDSM then you have just ruined your testimony'.

    That was it. That was why the letters BDSM was in my profile, and could be another reason why my profile was given the 'A' rating. From checking out these forums, I learned that the computer checking our profiles, and deciding what the rating of our profiles are going to be -DOES NOT CONSIDER THE CONTEXT.

    So realizing that just because those 4 letters were in my profile could be why my profile had been given the 'A' rating, I removed that part of my profile. If you were to check out my profile today you won't see those words there anymore. My warning to ministers and pastors is gone, the 4 letters BDSM has been removed.

    But when I searched for my profile again, it STILL has the 'A' rating.

    And this is why I am writing this. I don't belong to any A rated groups, don't have nude photos in my profile. Don't have the words BDSM, slave, pet, etc.. in my profile. In fact if you were to check out my profile I think most would agree that it does NOT deserve an A rating.

    So I am wondering, is it just that it takes time for the profile ratings to change? For example, even though I made sure there's nothing in my profile deserving of the 'A' rating, will that rating remain for like 24 hours? 48 hours? How long until my profile will be correctly rated, so that my profile will show up in search?


    I was also wondering if anything I had put in my 'Feed' could have also given me the 'A' rating. At first I had just put in bible scriptures which I strong doubt would have given my profile the A rating, but later I started putting in YouTube videos. None of the YouTube videos I had pasted into the Feed in my profile are adult, most are alternative news and music videos. But I am wondering if any of them could also be responsible for the A rating my profile received.

    I would appreciate it if anyone here could take a look at the videos I had pasted in my profile and give me your opinion. Are they the reason I was given the A rating? Should I remove the videos?


    Thank you in advance. Oh for people also wondering what words etc.. they should avoid putting in their profile so they won't mistakenly receive the A rating, could you give us a list of words NOT to put into our profile?

    Thank you in advance for you help.

    Here's the link to my profile:  https://my.secondlife.com/joannmarshellbarnett



  2. Hello, fellow Christians. I don't want to debate whether or not women should be Ministers. What I want to know is exactly what is stated in the subject line. Are there Christian churches in second life with Female Ministers? No I have nothing against men who are Ministers, and I am not saying I prefer women Ministers, nor am I saying I prefer male Ministers. Every person, regardless of their gender, who obey's God, is a servant of God. So I guess, a more appropriate question, is: 'Are there Christian Churches in Second Life that have both male and female Ministers?' If there are, please post links to them. Thank you.

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