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Qing Luan

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Posts posted by Qing Luan

  1. Well then, I don't understand what is wrong. My debit card, the one associated with paypal, is verified and associated with mastercard. I did make a purchase on secondlife, albeit 8 years ago when I first signed up. I don't have a clue what card was used back then though. I was a very active member on SL for the following 7 years.

    The amount of money I'm trying to regain is less than $30, so there are no max/min problems there.

    I followed the instructions for setting up a paypal connection shown above when I got the failure message.

    I am closing all my accounts now, and according to the LL info, I should be able to get fully reimbursed from them when I do so. What I am hearing from you above is that because I didn't buy more lindens from you, you won't give me my money?

    I'll have to contact one of the number above then I guess.

  2. I want to get a payout for all my lindons before I close my accounts.  I've converted to USD, but when I try and set up the paypal account agreement, I get:

    "To use your PayPal account with Second Life, it must be verified with a bank account.          Click here for more information.."


    Now I know there's no problem with my paypal account.  I buy things with it just fine, and it's tied to my bank debit card.  Why is it giving me this message?

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