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Posts posted by BlazeFire212

  1. sooo when i log on it says socket operation timed out and when i try to login it still wont let me go on all it will do is load for 3 seconds then go off and say i should create a new account and that mylogin failed, it has a unexpected problem and i should visit statue.secondlifegrid.net and i tried but its not working then i tried chanign my location and nothing there either. and made about 9 different accounts in the process. any idea? links? something i can do?

  2. i honestly dont know what to do it just wont let me because every time i try to login it will load for about 3 seconds then it will say i need to create another account if im new even though i already made one, then it will say login fail, despite our best efforts, something unexpected has gone wrong, please check statue,secondlifegrid.net to see if there is a known problem with our service, then i check and nothing seems to be going on so i tried going to the preferences and checking my location and that didnt work either, then tried going to my email and the website and nothing has worked so im honestly out of ideas atm, idk if its where i live or what

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