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Everything posted by nottiREI

  1. I'm able to log in, but avatar freezed on the spot. I am not able to move, or even type messages to people or open chat too. Not able to teleport or open inventory files. My avartar appeared in 'orange-cloud, and the screen just freezed for a long time of ~2minutes before I was forced to exit SL with SL popping out a window message saying :- "You have been logged out of Second Life. This region may be experiencing trouble. Please check your connection to the internet." Even after changing 'Last log in location couple of times, on different days, it did no help... I'm currently using Firestorm-Beta Please help... >> Had tried log in with a newbie account and there is no such problem to it. There is a problem with my current main avatar.. Have not faced such a headache problem since using sl for past ~2-years.. Btw I'm using a modem direct link to my only pc. Tested several times with no much program running on my pc while trying to re-log in. Anyone with good solutions to my problem, please help.. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Had solved my own problem :- Anyone whom faced such problem, please try using another viewer. That's it :)
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