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Posts posted by RebekahMarieLynne

  1. I was told In live chat and I guess on some ticket which I cant locate but they keep telling me in there "my issue was escalated reviewed by managers and closed as it is not an sl issue it is a buyer / seller dispute that they don't get involved in" I repeatedly said the seller says they don't have the linden its not a buyer seller dispute, they said contact the seller, there is no glitch no bug contact the seller. I am asking for anyway possible t better explain o linden to make them listen to me that either there IS a bug, or the system is compromised. linden sees what I cant, they last ended with referring me to legal.

  2. over 1000 but from that seller ONE, she denies everything says she was only paid 3k, I have every log just would prefer to keep some things private but here is her response after notecards and multiple IMS as u see she says its a linden bug and by my support logs lindens says nope she has the money no bugs


    /02/04 10:57]  RebekahMarieLynne: heya i just bought a heartless from u and it paid like over and over again
    [2014/02/04 10:57]  Second Life: User not online - message will be stored and delivered later.
    [2014/02/05 14:27]  RebekahMarieLynne: hello i am still trying to resolve this issue it would be easier to do it with you not have to deal with the linden ppl.
    [2014/02/05 14:27]  Second Life: User not online - message will be stored and delivered later.
    [2014/02/05 15:18]  Inventory item offered
    [2014/02/06 11:08]  RazorJayd: I didn't get any extra lindens though I only got the 3k for the heartless :/
    [2014/02/06 11:11]  Razor: all i have is 5,148 lindens i didnt get any extra
    [2014/02/06 11:12]  Razor: thats the 3k plus what i already had
    [2014/02/06 11:12]  Razor: thats why i didnt reply because i didnt understand
    [2014/02/06 11:15]  Razor: this is something you should take up with linden labs because its some sort of glitch in the system i've never scammed anyone
    [2014/02/06 11:20]  Razor: linden labs should refund you because it was some kind of error in the paying system im very sorry this happened but dont worry i've had a similar issue and they refunded me
    [2014/02/07 00:57]  RebekahMarieLynne: linden has already confirmed u have the lindens, so thats fine play this game
    [2014/02/07 00:57]  Second Life: User not online - message will be stored and delivered later.
    -- End of Log --

    here is the notecard sent:

    As i am sure you have seen your linden balance jump so high, it was me that paid the price. i have tried to IM you several times and no response. I bought ONE heartless cat from you, as you know you had two for sale based on the spam you sent thru the scratch group. Yet the system sold the item over n over n over until all my Ls were gone. So we both know you owe me 12K ls. you were paid 15 from me and the cat was bought for 3. It has been 2 days now you have 24 hours to refund me.

  3. here is the transactions as u know u cannot purchase 5 items at the same second in world

    02/04/2014 11:01:39 8170bcdf Destination: SAME  Object Sale  Region: The ScratchN Post  Description: KittyCatS Box - New Born Kitten  L$3,000     L$2,556  
    02/04/2014 11:01:39 33bc9acc Destination: SAME  Object Sale  Region: The ScratchN Post  Description: KittyCatS Box - New Born Kitten  L$3,000     L$5,556  
    02/04/2014 11:01:39 e7629868 Destination: SAMEObject Sale  Region: The ScratchN Post  Description: KittyCatS Box - New Born Kitten  L$3,000     L$8,556  
    02/04/2014 11:01:39 ede20d06 Destination: SAME  Object Sale  Region: The ScratchN Post  Description: KittyCatS Box - New Born Kitten  L$3,000     L$11,556  
    02/04/2014 11:01:39 a0558712 Destination: SAME  Object Sale  Region: The ScratchN Post  Description: KittyCatS Box - New Born Kitten  L$3,000     L$14,556 
    EDITIED to protect scammers identity
  4. Hi there

    Im contacting you to see if you could help or and make gamers aware of what could be a security problem on the game Second Life.

    The game uses ingame currency that you purchase will real world currency.

    I had an issue with a seller buying a kitten from them in the game. The kitten was priced at 3000 Lindens. I paid for the cat and had messages popping up taking more and more lindens it took a total of 15,000 Lindens that's the equivalent of around $60 USD. It should have taken 3000 Lindens

    I had further messages popping up trying to take more lindens from my account but it could not do it as i had no lindens left. I contacted support they told me to logout and back in. When i did the message had stopped and no further lindens tried to get taken from my account.

    The support had told me to contact the seller to see if i could get my lindens back. I did as they asked but thought that they should be sorting this problem out as it seemed like a system bug. After contacting the seller, the seller

    tells me they did not get the extra lindens only the 3000 as the original purchase i made.

    On contacting support again i asked if it was a system bug or has the SL system been breached by game hackers ? They could not answer my question properly and blame the seller for doing this. This sounds like they have had the security system breached by illegal hackers stealing our ingame currency. They take no blame it was a bug on there side and not willing to help me.

    I feel like other players should be aware of this so they do not become targets and loose money too.

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