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Posts posted by Stamango

  1. You may be right but:

    Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

    What idiot believes rumours without checking facts?

    SL is not going anywhere for several years even if LL's  secret goal is to shut it down asap.  It will be a minimum if two years before the new grid is ready for prime time.  Then it will be empty and take another year or so to have enough content to satisfy the masses.  Even then people won't migrate immediately.  I figure sl will be alive and kicking for six years at least, possibly longer.




    I see no facts here, I see opinions.



    Well you don't understand my points at all, and I agree with some of yours.

    But you said:

    "1. It didn't backfire because, from what I read, most people are looking forward to the new platform."

    And this generates revenue in the interim exactly how? The Beta is expected for the new platform in late '15 or '16? LL may be bankrupt by then.

    1. Yes it did backfire, because SL's days are now numbered. Making light of the fact that anything you buy on SL will at some point be worthless has to upset some people. They have said now more than a few times that backwards compatabilty is not a priority for the new platform. In other words, what you buy and own in SL can't be brought over to the new platform. I am not a creator but my guess is that they can''t be thrilled by slowing sales due to this new information.

    I know that people are gonna copybot to other places in the metaverse. Not my cup of tea. Not fair to the creators at all.

    And you say:

    "2. LL was always slow to do things with SL, so nothing has changed in that respect. It seems that the SL team is smaller than before but most people don't miond because most people are looking forward to the new one."(sic)

    Sure people are all excited by the new platform, as I am! But you expect the economy to remain stable in SL after this announcement? Does this mean Linden Labs sales will go up or down in SL? Stay the same?

    Cold hard common sense says revenue will go down.

    Cautious/pissed/unsure consumers = less sales = weaker businesses folding = less land rentals = weaker estate sales = more bad = more bad = more bad= less revenue for Lnden Labs. Make sense?

    As far as Inworldz- it is what it is. Just like all the other platforms that sprang up after Second Life became succesful, they just copy it. I never said they did not. But so far, I like it. Others may not. I still play SL everyday. I just don't buy much there any more. Am I the only one who thinks it is not wise to buy in SL now? I think not. Is it even wise to buy in Inworldz? Who knows? Probably not lol! Inworldz could pull the plug tomorrow.

    Then you say this:

    "5. LL manages its business very well indeed. What it does may not suit you personally, but you are just one among many."

    Well then I am very glad I am not a Linden. They are really rolling the dice here as far as RIGHT NOW. Unless the Beta is a mere few months away, how can this announcement help Linden Labs? Can we buy beta keys yet or anything from the new platform??


    Again, only my opinion. Peace and Love to everyone :)


  3. My impression from listening to the discussion was this:

    Many questions being asked and even suggestions as to which way LL's might go with SL. Most questions answered in a very honest way, noting the problems and issues that still plague SL.


    The mention that a large emphasis has been placed on a "new" platform by LL and its crew. So improvements to SL was noted as being needed, but then the new platform gets mentioned as a way of making a positive impression to us.

    Ok, the following is just my opinion. Yours may be different.

    It backfired.

    It was a bad management/marketing/common sense decision to mention the new platform during the discussion of old platform, giving me the impression that the effort being put into the new platform explains the lack of progress on the improvements being put into the old platform. The rumours have run full circle, the backlash will be damaging. This company gets managed by its mistakes. It is therefore unable to manage its business.

    So my decision after this was that I no longer have confidence in SL, and have spent way too much money there already. I will always maintain a presence in SL. If all our items are transferrable to the new platform, thats great. I will be in the beta of the new plat. But for now I will focus on building a life in a cheaper realm, Inworldz (or a better one if I can find it). The folks there are more mature in general and I like to build anyway. A quarter sim there has 11500k prims! My girlfriend likes both worlds, so I am all set.

    But thats just me. Good luck to you.



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