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Everything posted by NinaWillams

  1. i have been using three viewers MeerKat, Dolphin, and Imprudence
  2. yes i did that already and this what still happens idk what esle to do
  3. Hi I been having this problem for days now something on my avatar like clothing does not load right and i not sure why it does not load i posted a photo below of what im talking about. If anyone can help me with this problem it will be very nice http://i58.tinypic.com/33w08k3.jpg Im a little new to SL so i hope im doing this right :
  4. thank you so much :smileyvery-happy:
  5. Hello Im new to second life and i would like to start a store i rented land an have the building ready and its up to open but im having problems trying to put my tops on the rack i have the link to the rack i brought https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Clothes-Rack/593082?utf8=%E2%9C%93&page=1&product_reviews_sort=created_at%7Casc i took 2 days trying to find out how to put the tops on the rack i google search and still nothing also i brought shopping bags i will like to have them be like ever item that someone buy out my store to have a bag where they can copy and open and just add the item onto there avatar the bags i brought are here https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/O-P-E-R-A-Bag-for-shop/2802963 if there are any video tutorials about the putting tops or items on the rack and shopping bags it would be really helpful.
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