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Devon Swansong

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Posts posted by Devon Swansong

  1. I tried everything in these post to get this fixed and while it may work for some it didnt work for me. Although the deleting of the appdata folder diff. got textures loading faster, thanks Marcus.

    Me and my wife have a laptop and a desktop. For various reasons we fight over the desktop. (pulling 50+fps between high and ultra with no advance lighting <will look into that later because it sure makes things pretty) and the laptop barely does 7-10.

    Laptop never has this problem and looks like horrible compared to the desktop and I kept getting this error then a crash on the desktop for quite awhile. I finally decided to dive in and try to fix it. By reading online I did find it affects more high end systems than low end systems which makes since. Less details equals less memory needed. My Solution for the moment and not a fix however is to lower my LOD(lever of detail) "objects and sculpts LOD" to 2.  It pretty much defaults to this on every setting except ultra. Since then, not one single crash but, be warned, this is not a fix. You will notice textures not loading here and there but it doesnt bother me and on the plus though, my cpu is cooler with less usage and fps stay high in highly detailed areas (and i dont mean a like a forest, i mean like a place where 20+ cars are parked at one time with insanity amounts of detail).  

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