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Everything posted by jenpaul88

  1. call me crazy but i think this would be a good job for me, i love helping people and while i have no experience i get on sl usually at least once a day just to browse around less on weekends but during the week sometimes im on five to six times a day. i dont have any work experience but i do catch on to things pretty quick. as far as how much i would consider im flexible. anything helps...i recently discovered games and sploder balls and enjoy a little gamble now and then so extra l$ would be nice to play around with. only downside is in rl i am a single mom to an 8mo old...so once in a while she gets clingy and i cant get on for a few hours but would answer any questions/messages etc. as soon as possible (in a way stay at home mom is a good thing though...i dont leave home so there is always a computer nearby lol) well let me know what you think. im not logged on right now but my id on sl is jenpaul88
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