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Posts posted by KazSakamoto

  1. ..?So it have nothing to do with my bandwidth? but how come i see my Bandwidth going away while the game is downloading cache of cuz it have something to do with bandwidth how fast my internet is how fast the cache downloads and the faster it downloads my bandwidth is used for the cache downloading after my 5gb is Over my Internet speed from 300kbs Gos down to 11kbs even still it takes bandwidth but then its ok cuz i have infine Gb For my 11kbs..but limted bandwidth of gb for my SPEED BOOST

    so i can still play this game...just need to wait 9 hours...for 1 map to load.. @_@.............

    and no really there are other games i play and can manage for a month but i guess second life needs faster net to play and more bandwidth

    Sorry if i did not understand you correctly 


  2. i cant buy minecraft cuz my country is Regin blocked from   useing Credit card/Phone Etc so i cant use real money on games  i dont know why

     so i downloadled mine shafter to play mine craft but after the 1.74 update the mine shafter stoped working  and i tryed finding some other one.. but now all the mutlitplayer servers aint working.. i gave that game up  cuz i cant play single player ALONE

    Star Bound i      dont know about that game maybe i will check it out

     I used to play Game Goble but that game shut down D: Do you know of any other games like that? without Minecraft?

    ( or if you can help me Fix my mine craft? server problem)

  3. awwww  So I Guess i cant play Second Life Cuz my max limt of bandwidth is 15gb even so i must pay a 1000.rs In sri lankan money  .. and im not very Rich to keep paying for more SPEED BANDWIDTH....

    so i cant play this game...aww to bad

     is there any other type of game Like Secound Life? which wont need 20gb ? but lower then 2gb?

  4.   I Have Limted Internet Speed Normal speed 11kbs package BOOST SPEED  5gb 200kbs

    I Downloaded The SL Viewer and the game was laging  like HELL so i lowered the Opions from mid To low
    then the lag went away
    but the area was still loading i loooked at the game and it was still downloading ? .. so i guess this game uses Cache

    whats the size of this game ? i mean the game if you load every part of this game? what it comes up to 2gb? or 3gb? whats the Game size?? of cache ? cuz i  cant play this game if it keeps takeing my bandwidth  I only have 5gb    bandwidth

    May i know the size of this game ?

    Sorry my English is Bad.

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