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Porky Oodles

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Posts posted by Porky Oodles

  1. 1) Get a cool DJ name like mine. JeJo isn't very good.

    2) Get to know the coolest promoters and club owners on SL. Do coke with them and offer sexual favours if necessary.

    3) Winamp and Shoutcast are free for PC. Don't even dream of renting a stream; if the club doesn't have its own stream, it's a  fleapit just waiting to shut down. Opening a club without a stream is like renting land with no build permissions.

    4) Get some proper tunes - no "indie" rubbish (those clubs are full of losers who don't tip well). Nobody wants to hear your parents' CDs - get decent tunes like "U Got Me Up" by Dajae or "Wiggy Mouse" by The Fabulous Pop Tarts. "You're a mouse / a wiggy mouse / In my house of love..."

    5) You need to schmooze and go to other DJ's sets occasionally, even if they are awful. Networking is key. If they really suck, tip them very little. I make about 5-6,000L per set, no point in wasting it.

     6) Gallery openings are the exception. Just download a load of washing machine noises and play that, as well as pretentious industrial/goth junk - SL art groupies will listen to any garbage as long as they think it's suitably obscure and 'far out'.

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