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Posts posted by GingerMcMillan

  1. Hallo,

    ich benoetige dringend ein / mehrere moeglichst hoch-aufloesende und kreative Portraitfotos von mir. Ggf. auch ein komplettes Shooting mit Portrait und Ganzkoerperaufnahmen in Second Life. Wichtig ist eine hochwertige, professionelle Arbeit und  Qualitaet, die Bilder gehen teilweise in Druck.

    Fuer direkte Angebote (gingermcmillan<at>hotmail.com) sowie fuer Links zu Kuenstlern bin ich dankbar. (deutsch/english)

    Lieben Gruss,


  2. Hi Sanjaria,

    I read you job-apply with great interest and decided to responce although my offer does not match completely to your request.

    I am Co-Owner / SIM manager of Coldwater / Dim-Alley. The place is Adult, but not builded primary for sex-tourists but for socializing, meeeting friends and having a good time in a Nordic ambience. See my picks for details about place and philosophy, please. My own club is called "Ginger's" and is a retro-styled harbor-dancefloor. The sim is at German ownership, but SIM language is English and there often are visitors speaking Spain.

    My abbility is talking to single people, showing the beauty of the place and I am still building and changing things. I am bad with self-marketing, promoting the place and doing a regular job on events. I am bad in fund-raising, asking for tips and only want everyone to be happy. And... Most traffic is at my night-times. There is a smal circle of friends and visitors who come more often but love the hide-outs and privacy. The club / pub is not used often but could well be the gathering-spot of the future. I do my management on the social level and building but there is noone for the other needs.

    I love good organisation, creativity, a not too provocative style of entertainment, decent fund-raising and according to the philosophy  of the place, not too much of the "usual suspicious" - erm... sorry, visitors :-)) Coldwater is a special place for special people and that is, what I do not want to change. 

    Someone has to manage it, but any amount of payment on a regular base I could offer would be an insult to your skills. In fact, I have no idea, how much is usually payed for such an awesome job :-)

    All   I can offer is a home, free meals (kidding), 100% tips raised at the pub (separate parcel) and a grwoing percentage of tips raised at  the sim. I will offer premiums / rewards or a regular payment as soon as possible. You would be free to do most of what you want to do and do it the way you can do it best. Events are not limited to the pub, there might be harbor-parties, beach-events, topless dancing, themed events... Dunno... Just what needs to be done.

    I am a person, who is in need of a good comunication about all steps, having my own opinions and the last word sometimes but do not want to controll any single step. As much as my abbilities are involved, I am willing to do my part and what is needed to get on, when I am told what is expected :-)

    Okay. I think, this is the point you have enough information to simply say "no" or maybe make suggestions how this challenge can lead to success.

    I am looking forward to your respond. Have a great weekend.


    Ginger McMillan


  3. Hi there,

    my new Avatar "Dog" walked like a dog, after I started. Looked nice as if it had a AO somewhere. Than I changed to another sim, and thedog stands upright, like a human. I checked all Inventory, but can't find a notecard, animation. How do I get it back to the ground?



    ADD 1 - I made a new account for this Avatar, so no old stuff is in inventory

    ADD 2 - There is nothing like AO that came with it or has been deleted. I did not touch anything.

    ADD 3 - I went to another SIM and there, again, it works. So, it will be a SIM problem, I check if scripts are blocked or whatever - it wasn't the inventory. Sorry, for not checking that first.


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