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Posts posted by Gurzlol

  1. Just starting to get into second life and furry stuff, furries seem pretty cool and walking around as a furry seems way more fun than walking around as a human haha. Anyway i'm a pretty laid back person but i'm wicked shy until i get to know people and pretty awkward when it comes to starting a conversation with people i don't know. So i figured posting on the forums might be a good idea. i tried getting into second life once a long time ago but never really made any friends so i got bored and left, i'm hoping this time will be different. I'm interested in any sort of adventures/exploring or anything else that sounds fun or interesting. where i'm new to sl though i have almost no clue what i'm doing but i seem to be slowly learning. So anyone interested in meeting a new socially awkward furry friend and possibly showing me the ropes of second life send me an IM or something. I know my profile is completely devoid of any information, i'm not very good at describing myself so i've been putting that off for now while i try to get my avatar looking like less of a complete newb. Currently in SL i'm a male purple rabbit av, so if you hate rabbits or the color purple you might not like my av lol.

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