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Posts posted by mitchrapp0

  1. LoL, with all the help I got from my post/request, I finally was able to import a mesh and textures from a UV map.  YAY!!!

    Hours of looking for the simplest info and, my block headed semi tired slow learning self, light shined through and the simplest task that you all already do, was finally achieved.


    How to set up my blender mesh & UV so that anyone who has the permissions  in SL can select the faces (up to 8 max) and load a texture on that face, without having to edit the UV map??????????????????

    Oh and great tutorials please point in that direction so I can actaully get some work done instead of 5 hours learning for 20 min work..  lol  I know I am a better man for sticking with it..   lol


  2. Ok I taken 2 or 3 BB workshops on Blender, but I stopped my progress for almost 2 months due some RL. Now coming back, I need help some tutorials on some basic stuff., it would be helpful if the tutorials were using Blender 2.70 or later (I am using 2.74).    I will retake OptimoMaximo BB classes but in the mean time need to keep working and need help.

    All my building now pretains to homes and some jewelry.

    • Would like some 1, 2, 3 step videos on creating a simple mesh object , then UV mapping for 8 textured surfaces, then how to effieciently get a texture on the object, then the process to upload and settings during upload for lowest prim object in SL.  Basically a work flow tutorial from creation in Blender to SL, no steps left out, or assumed.

    • I'm totally lost on texturing my mesh object.  I have watched some youtube tutorials, on marking seams, and then creating UV map.. I can do the basic unwrap, and have a decent tutorial on how to enhaces the basic unwrap.  Now I need to learn how to get the textures on the UV Map and get that so it appears with 8 surfaces or less in SL.

    • I want to learn how to create a Blender mesh object with 8 surfaces (8 or less as needed) and bring into SL then selecting face add texture, same as if I bought the mesh object from MP then added my own textures.

    For example a basic rectangle wall with two windows, and window frame around the windows, how to use 8 textured areas (or less) to texture inside of SL as if I wanted to give or sell that to another user, so they can add their own textures.

    I have made things and brought into SL, but can only texture with one texture the whole object.

    Summary, Need basic tutorials on Blender to SL work flow showing how to unwrap texture the UV, bring into SL, efficiently import the mesh.  Specifically how in Blender to create the uv so user in SL can select face and texture the mesh face.

    I know some of this is super easy , maybe I am just blocking...   all help is very much appreciated..

  3. Thank you so much that was a lot of help, hopefully I can learn the process of making my own alphas..   I love to mix and match creating new outfits, and at times parts of one will not work with others, so this hopefully will help solve some of those issues.

  4. Happy New Year

    I have found issues with some articles of mesh clothing where designer's mesh alpha doesn't cover / hide enough and thus the garmet tears.  Particulary with top layers like jackets, vests, shirts.   I have looked for a kit of clothing alphas but would be a variety of sizes and areas covered. There doesn't seem to be any on MP. I saw one kit months ago but MP link was closed.

    I would also love to learn how to make mesh alphas to fix some of the problems i have had.

  5. Hi,  The curled belt tip pokes through the jacket.. is there some way to make an alpha that can hide just this piece.  I haven't a clue how this all works alphas and mesh,,   I know I could use another belt or larger size jacket.  but the jacket is a perfect fit no gaps large gaps..  I am interested in learning how to make something that can fix things like poking through or tears.




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