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Everything posted by Japan1Culture

  1. I went to the 2nd park today. The level of lag is damn high in there. And there are many long paths wich I thought they were portals but noooooo! It was some snow portal to the ''Grid Hunt''. However, I waited things to rezz and one of then said ''Linden Realms''. I walked in, and what annoyed me the most is that there was only one portal, ONLY ONE PORTAL. I feel so disapointed right now because if there's only one portal, the more people will be in there. I loved the simple, low lag portal park of before. Plus I find the new one unnecessary, is pertty but no, too much lag.
  2. I have been seen people with copybooted hair from Lovely Butterfly. My friend has one. Im corcerned about her. Could she get banned?
  3. It has been 2 days since I can't listen to things in SL. My connection is perfectly fine, and my ping sim is almost under 120 right now. My lag is always low or moderate. What could it be?
  4. Hi. Me and my friend were in a sandbox. She has a hud wich takes your permissions, wich gives her the permission to distort you. She stole the permissions from a friend that was in the sandbox and distorted him. His friend was there and she said It was me, that when I touch him, he started to spin. My friend touched me and nothing happend, obuously (I don't have any distort huds) The woman said she was going to report me. My friend says that I'll be fine, that she has no proof that I have done something. Is proof necessary to report someone? I don't want to get banned when I haven't done anything!
  5. Hello... Im very worried. I've updated my SL viewer recently. I log in and It doesn't let me do nothing, not even press the log In buttom. It freezes and doesn't respond! Plus I can't close it! I always had the original SL viewer and it worked pretty well, then I update it... Atfler that moment I never been able to log in again. I already restart my computer, but the problem stills! Help!
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