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Posts posted by Foxximus

  1. Well no need to re-hash it further yourself then if you are un-interested, though the idea still stands as a good one in some way, it is somewhat open ended as it could be implemented in some way to improve things greatly. Even if the residents posting reviews have to have and account for maybe a minimum of 90 days or something like that. There's a lot of variables that could make it work in a somewhat accurate way.

  2. It would be easy enough to implement some form of IP authentication to make sure multiple people aren't rating the same thing. Regardless it would help identify problemed areas for businesses too, regardless if they were doing an alt army to do their ratings to begin with, cause there would be valid concerns placed there where a land owner may not always be present.

  3. Just a suggestion I think could help sim owners, businsesses and new people find a place to go that is actually active, or actually has good activities. Feel free to expand on this but I think it would be nice in search to have a 1-5 star rating system or a like/dislike meter with maybe some user commentary.

    Traffic seems to only tell you that either people afk there or leave bots on their sim. I'd prefer to know if there is a nice staff, or otherwise active group or regulars that are there. Also there are too many newbie hubs that could literally scare newbies away from Second Life, just my suggestion however open ended it may be. :)

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