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Posts posted by naybabe

  1. _,.-:*'´ `* DoL Building/Photography Studio Rentals *´`'*:-.,_

    Visit our website for Teleports and available studios. All studio space is on a Full Sim.


    Just click and pay the rent box for your chosen space and contact JJ (ladiejj jewell) or Ayita (naybabe) for a group invite.

    Every studio comes with the added bonus of complimentary support from our DoL staff for any Spot On or building problems you may encounter.

    Basic Studios
    Price: $250L per week (only $1 per prim!)
    Prims: 250
    Area: Sky building platform 1/4 sim in size

    Executive Studios
    Price: $500L per week (only $1 per prim!)
    Prims: 500
    Area: Sky building platform 1/4 sim in size

    All rental income is donated towards running costs and sim tier.

    Conditions of Rental

    1. These platforms are intended for dance related use only and not for residential purposes.
    2. To minimize lag for dancers who perform at our venue, all items must be returned to your inventory 24 hours prior to events. 7 days notice of an upcoming event will be given to all renters. If you fail to remove your items by the day of the event, they will be returned to you. Upon the completion of the event you may return all items to your platform.
    3. Please respect the privacy of other tenants and restrict building to your own platform.
    4. Please take the time to clean up after yourself, all scattered prims that are not in your rented area may be returned.

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