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Posts posted by Kokoiy

  1. *BONUS!!!**  I'm offering 1 extra free week to the the 1st tenant if you pay for 4 weeks!!! Pay lower than tier for the prims!!Snapshot_001.png



    Here are the perms I allow my tenants!!

    *Parcel Indentity:
    -Toggle 'Show in Find Places' and set category
    -Change parcel name, description, and 'show in search' settings
    -Set landing point and set teleport routing

    *Parcel Settings:
    -Change music & media settings
    -Toggle 'edit terrain'
    -Toggle various About Land > Options settings

    *Parcel Powers:
    -Always allow 'edit terrain'
    -Always allow 'fly'
    -Always allow 'create objects'
    -Always allow 'create landmark'
    -Allow 'Set home to here' on group land
    -Allow 'event hosting' on group land

    *Parcel Content:
    -Return non-group objects
    -Landscaping using Linden plants

    -Join Group Chat
    -Join Group Voice Chat

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