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Angelwh Maven

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  1. HI Malanya DO NOT have said that I have violated the tos .. and my logic of the open market and receive notifications of customers who buy .. but my avatar locked account!
  2. I am really disappointed for what has happened to my account "angelwh Magic" 28/09/2003 on my account and was put in (we put your account on an estate administration.) Having sent 5 tiket Web Support Linden Lab, the answers were all positive and no harm, support have understood the My problem, then last last ticket, e-mail and was served with great sadness the permanent closure of my account in order to have violated the terms of service, still does not have a chance to know what the violation , I have always been correct on second life never hurt anyone .. maybe because I'm ITALIAN, in rl do not have work and I find it hard to live Second Life was my inspiration, if a person really wrong to think you have to give a second chance .. but then again never done anything bad .. I am a builder and sell structures and various items. now or an open market and continue to receive notifications of customers who buy! but do not know where they end up the money? Not having received any email from operator or governor linden linden lab where does the money selling my market! Or call 703.286.2738 phone support by my friend residing USA. Fatigue because I do speak English. Spoken voice operator and is not been possible to obtain assistance .. and was asked to send tiket Italian-language support ticket, but now closed without have no answer .. Now I do not know what to do. this situation aa sadly ruined a piece of my life .. I thought of all this. Thank you for listening KarenMichelle lane and all the people who were close to me .. I am attaching my e-mail address if some person's heart who can help me thanks angelwh Magic ...
  3. I apologize I would like to draw your attention : I am a builder for 5 years and have a serious business, that customers often need assistance and I had unjustifiably been banned .. my avatar was banned the day 27/09/2013 I continue to ask for support from Linden Lab .. but I can not have more explanations . was asked to reset the password and I still am. waiting for the new paassword . and I have received notice of violation of the TOS. have called service center Phone : 1 (415) 243-9000 but the number is not valid has not been possible to contact anyone .. HAVE AN OPEN MARKET ! https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/39811 open and keep getting notifications from customers who buy my items .. now I wonder WHERE THE MONEY GO ? because my shop aperitif ? I have always been correct in the rules and always had respect for everyone and everything on my Second Life. the avatar that was blocked is called " angelwh magic " now I wonder, have someone who defends the rights of people in here ? if so please help. Get more information about the reasons behind your comment "After conducting a thorough investigation , Linden Lab has given this account violated the Second Life Terms of Service. Unfortunately, we have determined this alternative account and all accounts will be permanently closed. " . I do not think of violating the terms of service and the need to have the details of your thorough investigation . As I have been a loyal user according to his life for more than 5 years I would like to know the steps to reactivate your account. Please let me know as soon as possible. Sincerely angelwh Magic
  4. Hello Mr.KarenMichelle Lane . and a great pleasure to have his response to my case .. I did all the procedures under way with tracking helper supporting Linden Lab or talked to them about my case my avatar " angelwh Magic" ticket, and compromised via e-mail , the Linden Lab asked me some questions about the case , and I regularly or answered all the questions, or sent to their data concerning rl info .. they asked me if I wanted to order a reset password .. and I asked you or thank you very much ... I was waiting for the new password did .. and to my regret I annno announced the final closing of accounts for violation tos .. and I still do not know what I have fattto because I have always been correct with Regulation .. having an activity for active five years a well known brand . I thought to linden Lab and Second Life .. I can not prove that my avatar was convolto and compromise .. I'm sorry to know that a builder like me, all here in second life can not have protection or invested a lot of money and time and sacrifice ... I leave you my e-mail . grazi it your own so much for listening .. By angelwh Magic ACE ™ Angel Creations CEO Equipment (SL B. Designer) ****** Italy Style ***** E-mail angelwmagicace@yahoo.it
  5. hello ..Sig Rolig Loon thanks for having responded to my call .. Support Linden Lab had asked if I wanted new password after verification! I was waiting for new password .. but I have sent an infringement notification that I do not know what? I've always been correct or invested a lot of money here. they are the victim of a scam and do not know what and now my business be lost
  6. I apologize I would like to draw your attention: I am a builder since 5 years and have a serious commerce, that customers often stand in need of assistance and i had unjustifiably been banned .. my avatar was banned the day 27/09/2013 I continue to ask the support Linden Lab .. but I can not have more explanations . had been asked a password reset and i'm still .waiting for the new paassword .and I got the notice of infringement of tos. I have always been correct in the rules and always had respect for everything and everyone on my Second Life. the avatar that was blocked is called "angelwh Magic" now i ask myself, have someone that defends the rights of people inside here? if yes please help me. Avatar Bloched : angelwh Magic owner's brand manufacturer and designer My marketplace https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/39811
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