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Posts posted by hikejo

  1. This worked, perfectly. The only thing to note is that the folder/file is "~/Library/Application Support/Firestorm/hikejo_resident" -- the SecondLife folder was the one Singularity is using. After deleting screen_last.bmp, I went to another location, teleported home (not using the home button), and then reset where I landed as the "new" home. Signed out, signed back in, perfect! Thanks for the help both of you!!!!!

  2. My Home has changed but my Home login splash screen has not. It's supposed to. I have cleared cache. This is true for any viewer I use, although the newest viewer, Singularity, is stuck on a later Home view.

    It's not a big deal I guess, except that I have some pretty unpleasant memories associated with my old Home that the LL and Firestorm viewers are stuck on. Would love to update that.

    You'd think, when you change your Home, that screen would update, and I've read that it does, but it sure doesn't.

    Is there anything I can do?

  3. I can use a free Linden Home as a sandbox to open boxes and try on outfits and things in privacy?

    Can I buy additional furniture for the free home? Does doing so increase the monthly cost of my tier? (Not sure I phrased that correctly.)

    I don't know what furniture already exists in the free homes, but if they do include stuff, can that stuff be replaced with a higher quality item somehow?


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