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Posts posted by JessieStiles1

  1. Everything in my store was listed as general now a quarter were changed to adult. Included are lace window curtains, backyard clothesline, regular mailbox, forklift, boat pier, basic door, radio tower and a bunch of lights. None of these could be considered anything but general nor the keywords I used. Only a few were changed to mature also mostly basic household items. It's only been a few months they were up and they were all accepted as general when I posted them. So I haven't considered this before and thank you for bringing it up.

  2. CashNoise777 wrote:

    I would like to clear the air first by saying I am NOT an alt! lol I didnt even know what that was, but have been getting it non stop.

    It's terrible. I got the same thing with complete strangers telling me I'm a liar. Give it a month or two and they'll leave you alone. Glad you are having so much 

  3. The people who spent 1000s is not just business owners. People who took advantage of what SecondLife had to offer. A chance a building a second life to enjoy. Only for the company to, in a round about equivocal way, state they are going to be making a new world where we start off from scratch. For some business owners SL is their primary income. Inworld stores will have to close. Some will barely make tier. And they are going to be hit now or in the near future. Further there is a whole world that has been built by users. It has culture, history, families, lives, people's second homes. This will all go down the gurgler because LL decided to make a new world. 

    I guess land is a lesser issue in a way as judging by the way LL prices land its value will be cheaper. The current value of land has dropped dramatically. I've seen land for sale at less than LL value which i've not seen before. But those who own large amounts off land it's going to be a sting. If they decided to invest in more land in this new world it may gain in value eventually

    Perhaps it is not a big deal for you and that's fine. Of those of us for whom it is a big deal saying "It's all good" isn't quite going to put our minds at ease.

  4. "Most people". There's those who have invested much time and  thousands of dollars, are attached to this secondlife and their avartars and don't just use it as a glorified chatroom. People who invested heavily in land and business. The immediate reaction of many people was I won't spend money in SL anymore. That's what I said. Everyone i've spoken to had the same reaction and my store sales dropped 3/4 almost immediately after this announcement. So yes it is warranted and is going to have a huge impact.

  5. If Secondlife the first stayed open it would be competing with Secondlife the second. Ebbe said their goal was not to close SL but to make everyone want to move to the new world. So if they achieve their goal of selling most people on this new world there would be little point in SL remaining open. I think the OPs alarm is waranted and not misguided. In the meantime with an uncertain future it does have a huge impact.

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