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Posts posted by bigren09

  1. I am getting ready to open a Metal Club up probaly within the next week or so. I am looking for some staff. Your pay is based on tips you recieve. So I am looking for Dancers, Host, and DJ's.

    It is going to be a TRUE Metal and Hard Rock Club. None of that emo stuff that so many clubs are falling into.


    So if you are interested please send me either a IM if i am online or a NC to bigren09 resident 

  2. i have started some what, i just kinda dove into it. I am good with gimp and have been playing with it for a while. I havent gotten into blender yet. That stuff seems crazy as hell right now.

  3. I am not always on when they have there classes. We can negoiate payment because i am gonna try and open a store. So can work something out with that like a precentage of sales or something. We can work something out. I dont make much linden wise so we can talk.

  4. I am just getting started with making clothes. I have watched some videos and some made sense and some confused me. So, i was just seeing if there was someone or some people that can teach me how to make clothing. If you want you can PM me or respond. Also if there is someone that would want to teach me we can work something out. Because i wana get started making stuff asap. We would be able to work on it IG over skype how ever we set it up.


    Thanks in advance

    Marcus Shuut (bigren09 resident )

  5. I have been playing for a short while, and i am looking for a steady income of lindens. I dont have any experince yet, but i am a fast learner and i play alot. So if you wana give the NOOB a shot message me, i will be on for the rest of the night till 4am est so message me IG or on the boards either Bigren09 or Marcus Shuut

  6. I have been playing for a short while, and i am looking for a steady income of lindens. I dont have any experince yet, but i am a fast learner and i play alot. So if you wana give the NOOB a shot message me, i will be on for the rest of the night till 4am est so message me IG or on the boards either Bigren09 or Marcus Shuut

  7. Hello everyone i am new to SL just started the other day, i stopped by here to hopefully make some friends and to see whats out there. ALso i am looking for a job so i can get some land to make a house on.

  8. Hello everyone i am new to SL just started the other day, i stopped by here to hopefully make some friends and to see whats out there. ALso i am looking for a job so i can get some land to make a house on.

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