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Lianteir Soulstar

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Everything posted by Lianteir Soulstar

  1. Hello community of peoples. I'm a furry, as you may have guessed. I am a casual presence in Second Life. I don't do a lot of socializing, and I've never really had a big list of friends. I recently took a break from Second Life, came back and had closer to none. My wife plays regularly, so her friend left me friended, and a couple of long-time good friends left me friended. So that totals four. I used to have a larger circle of friends, and I have the desire to be more social with folks. I'm not interested in pursuing anything other chatting, hanging out, and being friends. But I would greatly enjoy having a few good friends to talk to when I'm around. Feel free to ask me whatever you like, to see if we would be any good at carrying on a conversation or chatting. So, yeah. For what it is worth, I'll offer the basics now: • 30 years old • College student (English Major / Creative Writing ) • Full-Time Employee • Husband & Father • Gamer in general I am interested in things like Magic the Gathering, WhiteWolf table top roleplaying, roleplaying in general, creative writing and fiction, music, movies, anime. Stuff, and other things. :P
  2. I wouldn't look about it too much. People like that are just lonely, and sad, and so they look to make themselves feel better by putting others down. If you notice, dude only has ONE post. It was the one post he made, just to comment here. So he clearly doesn't involve himself with anything. Went specifically trolling to find one post he could pick on. Sad and pitiful, if you think about it. Poor lonely guy. As for furry friends, I'm down to make some more friends if anyone ever wants to say hey.
  3. I've been on SL for about four and a half years. I'm also a Floridian! Married, and currently working on my Bachelors in English. I'm also a Furry! Wolf, specifically, but have many many forms. I have been looking for new friends, specifically furry friends, day in and day out for quite some time. If you wanna send me a message, feel free to do so. My name is the same here as it is in world. So by all means, send a hi.
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