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Posts posted by sloowdown

  1. 1/2 sim for lease $10000.00 Linden per week. Includes 15000 Prim which can be used for light commercial and residential, please see the Covenants for a more clear description. Pay the first month up front and get 1 week free. Thank you for your interest! The Parcel is split into two 1/4 sims when you go see it  which you can also rent the 1/4 sims with 7500 prims for $5000.00 week.  http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Wet Republic/111/160/31

  2. 1/4 sim for lease $5000.00 Linden per week. Includes 7500 Prim which can be used for light commercial and residential, please see the Covenants for a more clear description. Pay the first month up front and get 1 week free. Thank you for your interest!  http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Wet Republic/72/182/26

    Any issues you dont need a support ticket you contact me and get instant results, no waiting to handle your issues here and you have full control of your land.

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  3. 1/4 sim for lease $5000.00 Linden per week. Includes 7500 Prim which can be used for light commercial and residential, please see the Covenants for a more clear description. Pay the first month up front and get 1 week free. Thank you for your interest!  http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Wet%20Republic/184/72/26

    Any issues you dont need a support ticket you contact me and get instant results, no waiting to handle your issues here and you have full control of your land.

  4. Well I for one not only withdraw my application to have a gaming sim but I also left secondlife for good. The people on secondlife that are running all the monopolies are employees and insiders. It is a scam all of it, there is no way you can't enter into real estate or any other market without being undercut. When I bring in mesh it is a joke to use collada files when you have fbx. I bet the insiders are using .fbx files and thats why they control the marketplace. The entire industry of 3-d is using .fbx why not here? The process to bring things in is crazy and lose quality with the Collada and they know it.

  5. Ok thanks, but i kinda did not expect an answer from LL I have support tickets in for that ...... but I am sure they are reading them hence the slowed response from them concerning the issues i have discussed. Before they answered in less than 24 hours and now so far a week from last message. Lets just say maybe from them reading this it will make gaming better and the program a littel bit better by them thinking over some of the ways things are done. I do not say this to say what i write or any response is that important but i just kinda know how to bring awareness to some things and this is the way. I already see some of the hold % going down on the games even if those games are not complient to the TOS for skilled Gaming. Lets just wait and see the results.

  6. Thank you for your time to explain this again to me. It is not that i am not hearing you or the others. Do you represent LL? That is why I keep asking the question, wanted to hear from an official source before and if I decide to move forward and yes it is my choice. What we have here is really nothing more than lets say a political situation which is being played out. Kinda like a lobby to be clear on future events. We all have our reasons and motives.

    Looking for LL management to explain in plain terms what will be happening. I am new here so maybe you are known to speak for the company but i am not aware of the hierarchy of the forum. I just know that all who work with the company last name is Linden, which i could be wrong about that also.

  7. No I am not looking for problems at all even it that is what it appears. I just dont think Common Sense and attorney both go in the same sentence. I work with procedures and follow them, that is how i do things. If the rules and procedures are allowed and need to be thought of in the context of interpetation then you will get just that many different results. If i wanted to be involved in that type of thing then i would run for political office. 

    Its just not a way I intend to start a relationship in a virtual world with no way to discuss other than a forum. If the rules need so much debate then mkaybe if there was a phone number that i could call and talk to a person to get things sorted maybe... The way this is being rolled out as far as i am cncerned is not clear and therefore not worth the time and money investesment needed to do it. just not a good look as far as i am concerned. For others maybe it will work but for me not interested, rules are not made  and enforced this way in my world.

  8. Yes Daisy and thats exactly my points maybe I wrote to much or did not explain what i was saying but you seem to understand my point. When they say you can't create without a approval i take it just as that. If you allow to have the rules up for interpetation it will result in non-compliance. Not create without approval should mean just that. I can't go to my attorney and ask for an approval on those games they currently have in SL. I have a limited gaming license in Nevada to operate 12 slot/video poker machines at my place of business and the hold % is monitored. In order for me to operate those games in SL I would need to have an interactive componet added to my Nevada gaming license. I cant risk my license to run those games they approved now because i would be running an unfair gambling operation with the hold % that is offered to the patron, this is a fact! I tried to contact the approved creators and no answers from them. They seem to not only not want to share or discuss the way to market their games but make it impossible to get data on the hold % and workings of the machine programs. I can make my own but need time and will not invest in that until i am approved. Why would I?

    So my point is why not if people pay the fees to have the license and purchase a gaimg region why not allow them to create from that point? Sure it would take me 2-3 months to get set-up but at least you know that the money you are spending is for something you can actually do. 

    When you see the approvals they are showing and look at the games all being the same one would have to assume it is the way LL wants it as they are in control. Ahold % of 3-8% is more than enough to run a profitable sim as i have done the numbers. I looked at the greedy game and if run with a average # players of 12-14 and the game runs every 10 min or so the profit on that one 24 seat game is $112,000 year at a 35% hold. The hold may be sligly less as i have no way to know how much is being put into the bonus jackpots but i played it for a week non-stop and it is not much. So the money is there to run a more fair game which in turn would make gaming grow in SL. This is not a thoery this is a fact as i do it on a daily basis.

  9. First off i am not addressing a certain person I just clock reply on the last post, i am not a professional forum user. I rarely tell my thoughts to others. 

    What i see is my reality and always will be, as i have said i just telling my views no more or no less. I apoligize to anyone that got offended but I dont like to be told what i see is not what i see that is for my only to decide. If i choose to share that view and you see it also thats up to you, if you dont thats up to you also. there was one person here that i described as an idiot because he sounded like it. I could not tell you who it was unless i go back and read thru the posts which i will not do because that is old stuff. My views are posted let it be for now on this thread and i will also close out my views on any other thread i am on and resume watching what you all write as i has been doing before. AGAIN THIS IS MY REALITY AND YOU CANT CHANGE IT, YOU MEANING ANY ONE OTHER THAN MYSELF!!!

  10. Thats my point LL has already did what is needed to operate the skilled gaming. It does not matter the legal opinion except to protect LL they are the ones and the only ones responsible. The legal opinions are for their benefit only you they just ask you to pay for it. The games are only the games they have approved for their interest. When you read the tos they tell you that they own your content that you upload. How is it both ways they own what you put there but if something goes wrong its your fault, it cant it would be laughed out of court. You see thw games were always owned by LL and they a re operating those games be it through a 3rd party or whatever. Nothing will be allowed to come into secondlife life that they dont know is ok with their attoneys henceforth the same games you see now. There are games being operated against the tos all over the place on gaming sims if I can fibd them in 3 min. I am sure they can. They are allowed to operate them be cause they indirectly own them. The same goes for all the things in the marketplace LL is the biggest competition and you cant beat them they own it. They are uploading .fbx files with greater detauls and more easy to work with for the mesh. You have to use .dae files harder to work with your quality will never be as good. The economy has to have faucets and sinks they dont allow that just keep all. So thats my entire point I see it

  11. Yes you are right i do read into things but whos to say its not there? Some call that "AWAKE"! For me that is a compliment and ty.


    As for moving on the other poster who said for me to move on, you dont know what i am doing or how i am doing it, maybe I am one of the creators? you see you dont know so go give your orders to someone else, you are not the Boss as far as i am concerned. Agree with me or move on, how dare i look at something from an original point of view? I must be crazy :) haha man oh man God help us all with this type of closed minded do as you are told mentality.

    Remeber if you dont stand for something you will fall for anything! There are just some things that some people dont see simple as that but what i choose to do is to put my thoughts out there and let people choose or maybe they can learn from it right or wrong. 

    I am fairly new to SL and what has always amazed me is the fact that people come to SL for whatever reason. Then they bring the same old hassles from the 1st life in to this one, whats the point if you have SL with the same old tired BS that you have in RL i guess the only difference for many is that you can fly lol, Oh and be Handsome and beautiful. Leave those hangups on desk this is a place where people could make it better not even more corrupt and clickish like the real world it kinda sucks rocks:(

  12. No i am one of those people who if you dont have anything to say that has a point I rather not hear it. Did you even read what i wrote? What you said did not address what i said or have anything new to offer so i also dont want to get the notice that you have nothing to add. why post something that adds nothing, just something to say what i should not do, in fact telling me what not to do. What do you expect as a response from me?

  13. one more thing if all this is true why is it not a name with Linden in it saying what all seem to try to say is the way it is? what I am saying came from a Linden last name and i go with what they told since they are the ones who collect the money.

    Do you think they are not reading this? Open your minds people!

    I will just say they are reading this and you will see some changes to reflect what i am saying or not...... if not then i will not only walk away I will run lol.

  14. My point is this.... Why make people jump thought all those hoops you approve them or not. The policy seems to do just one thing clearly slow down the competetion simple as that. There is no reason in the world to have something that vauge and open to interpetation unless there was a reason. I am not bitter at all. I have gotten my money back that i paid for the license. Had a 3 way call with LL and they had no idea what they wnated and what they meant or provided. The answers were vauge and the third party involved in the call could not believe they could not even state what the fees were for and how they would be for my use. You see all i wanted to do is do this the Legal way for nevada which requires me to have an interactive gaming license with the state. i operate a few slot machines now so can just expand my license, it would take less time to get me gaming license from the state of nevada than it would for LL to approve me lol now thats a joke. SL was just a way for me to get started and also there is a lot of money being made at it. I did not just jump up and say that i wanted to operate skilled gaming in SL i did the homework and paid to have done what I could not. I sent all the things to LL they they requested and also reference of my current gaming license and intentions to get interactive license in Nevada. Hired an extra 5 people to create games that are not all the same as the current ones in SL now which are really all the same. Did a study of the profitability and was then told that i need to use the approved creators games or use games approved by LL which stops the process of creating. So I decided i would contact the approved creators and they have no response so far. If the policy says that you cant create the games unless you are approved creator i would not create the games unless i was approved. May be thats one of the problems so many are looking for ways around things that arwe not clear, Ll needs to enforce what they state not just write it. That tells me that there is a problem Red flags pop up. There is no phone number to talk to anyone. This is in my opinion no way to do business. Again the process is to slow competetion if that was not the purpose of it then that is the result. What makes LL approve a game? What is the criteria? My state law, yours? What they would be getting is the benefit of my money to spread the games that they choose to allow. I would pay for the land, and god knows how much the approved creators wanted to use the games they have. It just smells bad and tastes even worse. as a operator and managwer of a major casino the way to keep a customer is to allow them to win, the current win % will kill gaming and not create new users and retain the old ones it is just wrong. My games would keep 3-8% encourage new user signups and growth not just a fast buck before a Virtual world dies!

    Case in point i have some land with small ad parcels on it on the mainland (16m). The TOS says they can only be so high in the air, which they are twice that and against the TOs It has been 1 month since i filed a complaint and nothing has been done or no communication to me. LL you have some managment issues that need addressed. Stop making rules you dont intend to enforce. You have a great product but stop taking and put some back into it. You have a economy that you are selling and it is in crisis because of the way you dont act and when you do act it is not guided!

    I did not mean to offend anyone I just speak on my opinion and dont really care if anyone agrees so please if you want to discuss stick to issues and not personal attacks. I dont know any of you and do not want to, just discuss.

  15. I was discussing the policy just as all were here. Just pointed out "MY THOUGHTS" and i really dont care if it is agreed upon by any one. I know what I see and just saying it outloud because some really dont see or choose to act like they dont. I did apply for the creators License and Operators License and was not turned down but was told what Ll wanted me to do. At that point I knew this was just a bad planned poorly thought out ploy that was only about getting some funds from me and others. You see it just does not add up or make sense to me the way they asasked me to proceed. It invites the rules to be broken and they are being broken as we speak and i dont want to be at the mercy of something that is not clear and so unorganized. I would do something like this if they paid me but to pay them to take part i think not! The reason i came started posting here is i have been reading the posts from the start. When told what LL wanted from me it just in my opinion not clear and not organized, i simply saw it for what it was. I did not come here to argue convince or make anyone think like me, just to put the information that i feel i have about the subject so maybe others with the same thoughts could see another point of view. From the start I was told I was wrong and to me I cant be wrong for my opinion as it is mine. You can agree or not up to you. To attack and try to discredit what i am saying tells me that for a reason there is more going on that meets the eye, there always is. So take it or leave it this is how I feel about the entire thing, right or wrong or whatever I can think how I want. So to address me in the manner most here have choose to do is really pointless if you are the few that seem to have your interest exposed. Have a good day and all my views are about the USA law because quite frankly the laws of other places mean nothing to me as they do not affect me. i am not a kid and know what i want to do and been in the business world for quite some time so I also am not without experience in life. This will be my last post about this because there is no new information just attacks from a few people who seem to not like the fact that someone is talking about the things i am. So to be blunt eat rocks and i hope your venture lasts ( I doubt it will). 

    One more thing if you are not smart enough to look at the information of the approved Creators and Operators and see they are the same people, group, Company or whatever then you are the very people that are needed to buy into this entire thing.

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