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Everything posted by musichero

  1. Thanks for the kind words, Nal! I love the idea that my sexbots are high-end call girls! Just what I want them to be! I was just chatting with a bartender using one of my systems that the owner had set up to be a uh sassy jerk and he was so annoying! Of course you can set up their personalities to be whatever you like (there is a text "bio" in my systems that tells the AI servers how they should respond). I envision SL populated by many bots of this type, but because someone will have to pay for them, I would guess there would be a kind of natural balance of human to botminds. We can think of a new race - Homo botticus - who could advise us on the best way to write that darn LSL code and then finish up with a happy ending!
  2. I am working on this problem in a rather direct way. If you want to know how far GPT is from being capable of having human computational capacity, you might enjoy How Powerful Is the Human Brain in Relation to GPT AI? (johnsonbots.blogspot.com)
  3. I need a relatively small rigged mesh model built, compatible with the Vlad Blackburn build of the Ruth2v4 av (I have the body and can provide it). Please contact musichero inworld for details of the job (or you can gmail stone.johnson.78@gmail.com). Thanks!
  4. I need a relatively small rigged mesh model built, compatible with the Vlad Blackburn build of the Ruth2v4 av (I have the body and can provide it). Please contact musichero inworld for details of the job (or you can gmail stone.johnson.78@gmail.com). Thanks!
  5. error is Whoops there was an error in processing your selection or the house is not responding
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