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Everything posted by FeatherWhisper1

  1. Thank you everyone for all of the help... it was an issue of trying to save more than one color of the same outfit ... i have it all figured out now ... thank you again
  2. I understand what you are saying ... the issue is that the clothes I saved as outfits were one color then later i wear the outfit and the clothes all turned either all white or all black. I am not wearing any huds to change the clothing textures
  3. So i have an issue ... i got a new matriya body and mesh head. I got new mesh clothes. So i started to make some outfits. I wear the clothes and save as to create an outfit. I went back to wear a few outfits and the clothes have gone all white of black. They were find when i created the outfits. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you
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