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Posts posted by LuciFelicity

  1. Hey guys, my name is Luci and I am on the hunt for some friends. I'm looking for teen RPers that love family roleplay, school roleplay etc etc... I roleplay as 14 years old and I go to Hallison High School. Freshman!! Woop Woo! Some things I enjoy are going to events, getting my hair and nails done, goofing around, sometimes listening to music or dancing. I love to laugh and have fun! Oh yes, and I am a 100% certified goofy goober! Hehehe...Welllllp not much left to say here, we can chat in world if you want to! Please IM me in world, and if I'm not online, pleasepleaseplease send me a NC as IM's do cap quite fast :) *waves frantically* byeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!

    p.s. If you like virtual sleepovers....I have a feeling we will be best friends!

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